Text response cloud

The Text Response Cloud shows the most common words spoken or written in Text/Record questions. Mindful Feedback removes other common words such as "and, on, in, the" etc.

example Text Response cloud

The word cloud depicts words based on the frequency of their appearance in Feedback such that the most common words have a larger size and group toward the middle. Users can click on a word from the cloud to be shown how many times the word has appeared in customer feedback (based on the current Dashboard filter). There are also two menu options that appear.


The Text Response Cloud supports the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese

Responses in other languages will have a positive/negative sentiment assigned to them automatically in the Most Recent X Responses widget, without the need to configure a Watch Word.

Sentiment Analysis

Using the Amazon Comprehend service, the Text/Record responses are given automatic sentiment. Words that are recognized as "positive" are then highlighted in blue in the word cloud and "negative" words are highlighted in red. This analysis also allows for the grouping of the word cloud by semantic category. This means that a word cloud with only adjectives, nouns or verbs can be populated.

The automatic sentiment analysis also assists in the population of a Most Recent Responses table. This table lists a user-defined number of recent responses that can be organized by All, Positive, Negative, or Mixed responses based on the sentiment analysis.

image of the Most Recent Responses list

Watch Words

Automatic sentiment analysis can be turned off and words can be given sentiment manually. Doing this requires clicking on a word, which will prompt a description of how many times that word appeared alongside two buttons.

example of manual sentiment analysis

When clicking on the eye icon a user can manually set a sentiment color on a scale from red to blue as shown below:

example of a sentiment color for a word

After a word as been set as a Watch Word, it will show in the selected color every time it appears in the word cloud. Watch Words are persistent and can be managed on the Manage Watch Words page.

The second option is represented by a table icon. This option will open the Interaction Details report filtered by interactions that contain the selected word in the Text/Response question(s) (all other Dashboard filters will apply to the Interaction Details report, as well).