(9.0+) VHQWatchWS logging

VH QWatchWS web service generates the following log files:

  • VHQWatchWS Logs

XML (web config) configuration file setting is used to configure the following:

  • Where the active files are located
  • What log level to write logs
  • Name of the active log file and folder


When troubleshooting an issue, be sure to set the log level to the appropriate level to capture all the necessary information.

VH QWatchWS Logs

These logs show a historical text output of the data that would have been shown in Dashboards.

XML Configuration File Settings

To locate the xml (web config) configuration file used by VH QWatchWS you must first locate the installation location of Callback. This can be found in the registry of the server in the following location. The setting will be a file path on the server.

XML Configuration File Location

This can be located on each server in the registry

    • InstallationLocation

Here is an example of a common setting: C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology

The file path will be appended with \VirtualHoldPub\VHQWatchWS.

Here is an example of a common file path C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VirtualHoldPub\VHQWatchWS.

In this location are 1 xml (web config) configuration files for VH QWatchWS

XML File Name

  • web.config

Logging section in XML Files

<vhtLogging><application level="5" name="VHQWatchWS" logFilePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Virtual Hold Technology\VHLogs\"></application> </vhtLogging>

File path where active logs should be writtenlogFilePath*Any valid directory path

Missing: C:\VHTPlatform\Logs

Empty: Applications Working Directory

Log level to write active logslevel


Any value 1-10

Missing of Blank: 5
Size of the active LogN/A8 MB
Name of log foldernameTextMissing or Blank: Name of Applcation file
Name of log filenameTextMissing or Blank: Name of Application file
How long to keep active files in the active directoryControlled by Archive Service
When to start new log fileActive file size exceeds 8MB

*Should always be the root for ALL log files.

**Log level 5 should provide sufficient info.

Log levelIncluded in logs
0No log
1-4Should never be used. Insufficient logging.
5Default setting, used by most systems.