Call Averages Tables

Agent ID, Highest Avg. Silence %, Agent ID, Lowest Avg. Silence %: This table lists the top and bottom 20 Agent IDs on the basis of the average percentage of silence in their calls. Percentage of silence is calculated as total non-speech duration divided by total call duration.

Agent ID, Most Speech Clarity, Agent ID, Least Speech Clarity, Agent ID, Most Overtalk Agent ID, Least Overtalk: This section lists the top and bottom 20 Agent IDs on the basis of the average agent-initiated overtalk in their calls. Agent-initiated overtalk is when the agent starts talking while the client is still talking. This section also lists the top and bottom 20 Agent IDs on the basis of their overall speech clarity. Speech clarity scores measure the V‑Spark system's confidence that it has correctly identified the words that were spoken. The higher the score, the clearer the speech.

Agent ID, Highest Avg. Talk Time, Agent ID, Lowest Avg. Talk Time: This section lists the top and bottom 20 Agent IDs on the basis of their average talk time per call. This is different than the Average Call Duration indicator, which measures length of call regardless of speech duration.

Avg. Agent Talk Time, Avg. Client Talk Time: This section displays the average talk time across all calls for agents and for callers.

Male Agent #Calls, Female Agent #Calls, Male Client #Calls, Female Client #Calls: This section lists the number of calls with male agents vs. with female agents, as well as male clients vs. female clients.

Male Agent Avg. Call Duration, Female Agent Avg. Call Duration, Male Client Avg. Call Duration, Female Client Avg. Call Duration: This section displays the average call duration for all calls when the agent is male vs. when the agent is female, and also for when the client is male vs. when the client is female.

Figure 1. Tables: Average Talk Time, Number of Calls by Gender, and Duration of Calls by Gender