
Use /sysinfo to retrieve system status, configuration, and software version in JSON format. /sysinfo requires the root token and supports GET requests only.


GET /sysinfo?token=$root_token
GET /sysinfo?full&token=$root_token
V‑Spark's root authorization token. Only available to system administrators.
Returns additional system information details.

Example requests

The following example request uses /sysinfo to retrieve summary system information and writes output to the file Sysinfo-Test.json.

curl -s 'http://example.company.com:3000/sysinfo?token=$root_token' > Sysinfo-Test.json

The following example request uses /sysinfo?full to retrieve summary system information and writes output to the file Sysinfo-Full-Test.json.

curl -s 'http://example.company.com:3000/sysinfo?full&token=$root_token' > Sysinfo-Full-Test.json