
Call filtering is the primary method V‑Spark uses to calculate application scores. In upper-level categories, call filters determine which calls are selected for further analysis, and which calls are excluded from further analysis within that category. The following diagram depicts the process that calls follow through an application's filters and categories to receive scores.

First, calls are filtered in the top-level categories. Calls that pass all the metadata filters in a category contain at least one of the include phrases of that category. Conversely, calls that contain none of the excluded phrases of that category, are passed to the upper-level categories of that top-level category. Calls that do not satisfy any requirements of the top-level categories of the application are discarded from further analysis, and do not receive scores from the application.

Calls are then filtered in the upper-level categories. Once again, calls that pass all the metadata filters in a category, contain at least one of the include phrases of that category. Other calls that contain none of the exclude phrases of that category are passed to the next level categories of that category, or to the leaf-level categories of that category. Calls that do not satisfy any requirements of the category are discarded from further analysis within that category, and do not receive scores within that category, though they may receive scores from other categories within the application.

When calls reach a leaf-level category, they are filtered one more time. Calls that hit on a metadata filter in the category and hit on at least one of the include phrases of that leaf category that is not cancelled by an exclude phrase of that leaf category receive scores for that category. Unlike calls that match exclude phrases in upper-level categories, calls that contain exclude phrases at the leaf category level are not immediately excluded from the analysis. Leaf-level category exclude phrases are used to rule out false positives and only cancel out individual phrases, rather than entire calls. Only calls that meet all filtering requirements at every upper level will be matched against include and exclude phrases at the leaf level and go on to receive scores.

After a call has been filtered into one or more leaf level categories, leaf scores are calculated for that call.

In the Application Editor, all upper-level categories have a first-level Call Filters section, located at the top of the list of the category's lower-level categories. The phrases and metadata filters in the Call Filters section determine which calls will pass on to the next level for further filtering or for leaf-level scoring.

Figure 1. The Application Editor
  1. Select Call Filters to view call filters