
All of APIs listed on this page are in the com.medallia.mxo.configuration package.


The configuration object for the MXO SDK.

public class MXOConfiguration private constructor( public val siteKey: String? = null, public val touchpoint: URI? = null, public val host: URI? = null, public val mode: MXOMode? = MXOMode.USER, )
siteKeyString?The MXO workspace to configure the SDK with.
touchpointURI?The MXO Touchpoint to configure the SDK with.
hostURI?The MXO host to send data to.
modeMXOMode?The Mode of the MXO SDK.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

@JvmSynthetic public inline fun mxoConfiguration( initializer: MXOConfiguration.Builder.() -> Unit = { }, ): MXOConfiguration
Note: For more information, see how to configure the SDK or get the current configuration.


The Mode to run the MXO SDK in.

public enum class MXOMode { ADMIN, USER, }
ADMINUsed for designing and editing MXO entities.
USERUsed for release applications.
Note: For more information, see how to use the MXO mode when configuring the SDK.