setAutomaticInteractionTracking Configuration

To set or update the automatic Interaction configuration call the following:setAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration(config: MXOAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration | null): Promise<MXOResult<null>>

Example of usage:

const config = { disableInteractionTracking : false, disableOutboundLinkTracking : false, disableWebViewInteractionTracking : true } MedalliaMXO.setAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration(config) .then(mxoResult => { if (mxoResult.value && mxoResult.value.apiName) { // error case console.error(mxoResult.value) } else { // success case console.log("Configuration is set") } }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) }) try { const config : MXOAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration = { disableInteractionTracking : false, disableOutboundLinkTracking : false, disableWebViewInteractionTracking : true } const {value} = await MedalliaMXO.setAutomaticInteractionTrackingConfiguration(config) if (value && value.apiName) { // error case console.error(value) } else { // success case console.log("Configuration is set") } } catch (error) { console.error(error) }