Add custom profile fields

How to customize user profile fields.

You need Admin permission to perform this task. See Permissions and access levels for details.
  1. Go to Admin menu > User Management > Custom Fields.
    Custom fields tab showing NO custom fields. Each field has properties for FIeld (name), Type, Type settings, Required, Disable, Autocomplete, and Delete
  2. Click Add custom field.
  3. Provide a Field name the user will see as a question in their profile.
  4. Select the Type.
    Defines how the user answers the profile question
    Type optionUser action
    TextEnter text

    Choose from from a list defined in the TYPE SETTINGS field.

    1. When the TYPE is Option, provide the list of options in the TYPE SETTINGS field.
      The list a comma (,) separated list of values.
      Custom fields tab showing a field named "In which department do you work?", and the Type Setting is "Procurement, HR, Finance, Acquisitions"
  5. Optional: Define additional options as needed.
    REQUIREDUsers must complete this field to complete registration.
    LOCK/DISABLEIf you're using SSO and are mapping fields from SAML, you can lock custom questions so that users can't manually change their answer to this profile field. Locking profile fields removes the question from the profile wizard users see when creating their account. Only lock a field when the mapping fields are from SAML/SSO.
    AUTOCOMPLETEWhen a users begins to type in to a text field, they will be given suggestions based on responses entered by other users.
    DELETEDelete this profile field. When you click Save, all fields marked for deletion are removed and all data associated with the fields are purged. Deleting a field means you also delete answers users have given for that field.
  6. Optional: Add more custom fields as needed.
  7. Click Save.
You can now use the custom profile fields for reporting and Dynamic groups.