Adobe Analytics

The Adobe Analytics data connector allows you to use segments created in Adobe Analytics in DXA just like segments created in DXA. This way, you can apply Adobe Analytics segments to filters in technical reports and access session replays directly from Adobe Analytics.
Note: For more information, see Segments.


Before connecting DXA with Adobe Analytics, ensure you have the following in your Adobe Analytics account:

  • An available Custom Insight Conversion Variable (eVar)
  • A technical user account (Web Service access) with the following permissions:
    Note: For more information on managing product permissions, see Manage product permissions in the Admin Console in the Adobe Enterprise & Teams Administration guide.
    • Segments
    • Reports
    • Classifications
    • ReportSuite
    • Company

Setting up in Adobe Analytics

Integration with Adobe Analytics requires an available eVar. This eVar will then be populated with the session ID from each session.
After provisioning an eVar, you must create a technical user account with Web Service access in the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard. DXA recommends using a dedicated technical user account instead of a named user account to avoid any interruptions with your integration. However, you can use a named user with the correct permissions if accounts are limited.
Note: If you have SSO enabled in Adobe Analytics, reach out to your Adobe CSM who can assist getting API access provisioned for you.

Creating the eVar

  1. In Adobe Analytics, go to Admin > All Report Suites > Edit Settings > Conversion > Conversion Variables.Conversion Variables in Adobe Analytics Report Suite Manager

  2. Create the eVar.

    Your eVar configurations should appear as displayed in the image below:eVar configurations in Adobe Analytics

Populating the eVar with the session ID

For the integration to come together, you will need to populate the eVar with the DXA session ID. There are several ways this can be done, which are determined by the chosen Request Type in DXA.

The Default request type provides a convenient mechanism that requires no additional work. DXA will automatically make an additional beacon during a session call using method to send the session ID. Users who are limited in the number of beacon calls they can make, or who depend on the default bounce rate metric from Adobe Analytics, can consider using the Manual approach outlined below.

The Manual request type allows for maximum control over how the eVar is populated. You must ensure that you implement the population of the eVar via your tag manager to ensure that the data connection is fully activated. Below are some common examples of how this can be achieved.

The easiest way to activate the population of the eVar is to use Adobe Experience Platform Launch.

Locating the API access information

  1. In the Adobe Analytics top menu, go to Admin > Analytics Users & Assets.Locating the API access information in Adobe Analytics

  2. Locate the account you want to integrate with DXA. You must ensure the account has Web Service access. Once you have identified the account from the list, click the name.

  3. Scroll down to the Web Service Credentials. Take note of the User Name and Shared Secret as they will be needed for setup in DXA.

Setting up in DXA

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Connectors > Configure Data Connectors > Analytics > Adobe Analytics.Adobe Analytics data connector

  2. Select Adobe Analytics Integration Enabled.

    The Adobe Analytics data connector settings appear.

  3. If you select 1.4 from the API Version dropdown and you select Webservice username and secret from the Authentication Type dropdown, enter the Username and shared Secret of the account being used to integrate. Click Check details to validate that the username and shared secret are correct. Once the username and shared secret are verified, DXA will initiate a request to the Adobe Analytics API and retrieve a list of Report Suites and eVars. Proceed to step 6.
  4. If you select 1.4 from the API Version dropdown and you select JWT from the Authentication Type dropdown, first click Public/Private keypair. The fields Company Name, JWT Payload, Client ID, and Client Secret appear. To get details for these fields, open Adobe Analytics and select the Credential details tab for the associated project. Copy the details for Company Name, Client ID, and Client Secret and enter the information into the respective fields in DXA. In Adobe Analytics, click Generate a Public/Private keypair. Then select the Generate JWT tab and copy the information. You will also need to upload the Public/Private Key Pair generated in DXA by clicking Add a public key in Adobe Analytics. Then you can upload the file generated by DXA. Proceed to step 6.

    Generate a public/private keypair in Adobe Analytics.

    Paste that into the JWT Payload field in DXA.

  5. If you select 2.0 from the API Version dropdown and you select OAuth Server to Server from the Authentication Type dropdown, enter a Client ID and a Client Secret. Click Check details to validate that the client ID and client secret are correct. Once the username and shared secret are verified, DXA will initiate a request to the Adobe Analytics API and retrieve a list of Report Suites and eVars.
  6. Select the desired Report Suite and Custom Variable eVar for the data connection.
  7. Select a Request Type.
    Note: For more information, see "Populating the eVar with the session ID" in Setting up in Adobe Analytics.
  8. Select Use Shared Segments. This setting is required, especially if using a technical user account to ensure that segments created by other users in Adobe Analytics, or that have been shared with the Report Suite, are available in DXA.

  9. (Optional) If your Adobe Analytics instance has more than 50 segments, we suggest that you enable the option to Hide Segments by Default. This setting hides all imported segments from Adobe Analytics in DXA until they are enabled reducing the processing overhead on accounts with many existing segments in Adobe Analytics.
    Note: For more information, see Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics Segments.
  10. If you have multiple domains under the property that you are configuring implementation for, under Tracked Domains, select which of the domains to enable for the data connection.

  11. (Optional) To force DXA to immediately fetch the segment data, click Force Segment Data Fetch.
    Note: The time it takes for this to complete will depend on the total number of segments enabled and how quickly Adobe Analytics can fulfill the export requests.
  12. Click Save.

The data connection setup page will now show you the current status of the data connection and the segment data being collected.
Note: DXA fetches Segment data nightly from Adobe Analytics. Upon enabling the data connection, you will need to wait up to 24 hours for your segments and relevant data to come through.

Viewing session replays in Adobe Analytics

To view DXA session replays in Adobe Analytics, simply create a report that includes the DXA eVar. You will need to have the DXA browser extension installed and ensure you are logged into DXA in another tab. Then, in Adobe Analytics, all session IDs will become links to the session replays, as shown in the image below:
Note: For more information, see Digital Experience Analytics Browser Extension.
Session IDs linked in Adobe Analytics

Further information