Discover DXS®

Digital Experience Score (DXS®) measures the digital experience of users navigating a website or app throughout the entire journey and grants immediate insights into the overall quality of experiences on digital properties.

Powered by machine learning, DXA's proprietary algorithms process hundreds of smart new digital interaction metrics—purpose built to measure experience online—and automatically calculate an experience score for every visit to your website or app.

DXS is based on five pillars of digital experience: Navigation, Engagement, Frustration, Technical, and Form Experience. You can access DXS reports on individual sessions, pages, or the entire website or app, meaning you have full visibility into digital experience improvement opportunities at every level.

Viewing DXS and pillar scores for your property

On the navigation bar, go to Discover > DXS® > Discover.Discover DXS

The following score metrics are available in Discover DXS:

DXS DXS is an aggregation of all the pillar scores listed below as a single 10-point score representing the overall quality of visitor experience on the property.

Engagement Score is scored between 0 and 10, with 10 indicating an exceptionally engaging customer journey.

To receive a high Engagement Score, your visitors must positively interact with your content. The more attentive visitors are, and the more positive behaviors they display, the greater the Engagement Score.


Frustration Score is scored between 0 and 10, with 0 indicating a pleasant and frustration-free visitor journey.

To receive a score indicating low levels of frustration, navigating your properties and pages should be smooth and simple thanks to intuitive layouts, responsive elements, and clear information.


To receive a high Form Experience Score, interacting with a form on a page should be intuitive and friction-free.

To receive a high Form Experience Score, interacting with a form on a page should be intuitive and friction-free.


Technical Experience Score is scored between 0 and 10, with 10 indicating a flawless customer journey with everything running as it should.

To receive a score indicating excellent technical experience, every element of your website or app should load promptly without errors, be responsive for all devices, and perform as expected when a visitor interacts with it.


Navigation Score is scored between 0 and 10, with 10 indicating an exceptionally smooth customer journey.

To receive a high Navigation Score, moving around the app or website and finding the desired information should be as friction-free as possible.