Discover Journeys

Discover Journeys helps you to understand how visitors navigate through the pages on a property and how the navigation impacts user experience.

Viewing Discover Journeys

On the navigation bar, go to Discover > Journeys > Discover.Discover Journeys

Journeys are visualized in a sunburst chart as a series of rings and nodes representing each stage of progression. The center ring represents the first stage, with consecutive rings representing the successive stages as visitors progress outwards to completion. Depending on your selection, the individual nodes represent the Digital Experience Score (DXS®) or the page visited at each stage.

For example, the image above shows the DXS at different stages of user journeys through a property. This lets you identify areas with positive user experiences (the green nodes) and negative user experiences (red) to make improvements where necessary.

Using Discover Journeys

The following settings allow you to customize the data available on the sunburst chart:
ScopeTo apply a funnel to the journeys, select a funnel from the dropdown menu.
Note: You can also view journeys with applied funnels from the funnel screens.
Filter by

To display journeys with specific criteria, select one of the following options:

  • Reached — Displays journeys where users reached a specific funnel step
  • Dropped at — Displays journeys where users dropped out at a specific Funnel step
  • Starting from — Displays journeys showing where users went after reaching a specific URL or screen
  • Ending at — Displays journeys showing how visitors reached a specific URL or screen

Select the data you want to show on the nodes on the sunburst chart. Each data item is represented by a unique color.

The following options are available:

  • DXS — Nodes show the DXS at each point in the journey helping you identify which journeys generate the best and worst visitor experiences.
  • Page or Screen — Nodes show the page or screen visited at each point in the journey helping you identify patterns of user behavior. For example, a color repeating across several nodes indicates the visitor repeatedly refreshing the page.
The following tabs are available providing further insight into the journeys:

Every page in the journey sequence is listed.

Each item is listed alongside a color box to help you identify the page or page group on the sunburst chart depending on the Color selection above.

The following actions are available:

  • To isolate journeys where visitors reached a specific point, click the color box and select Show only selected.
  • To go to Discover Pages for a specific page, click the URL.
Current sequence

Select a node on the sunburst chart to freeze the sequence on a particular point in the journey.

The following information is available:

  • Page or Screen — Lists each page name, URL, or screen name visited up to, and including, the selected point
  • DXS — Lists the DXS of each URL or screen visited up to, and including, the selected point
  • Sessions
    • Lists the number of sessions recorded on each page up to, and including, the selected point
    • Lists the number of sessions on each page up to, and including, the selected point as a percentage of the whole sequence
  • Drop off — Lists the percentage of visitors who dropped off at the previous page

To view details about any sessions in a sequence where visitors reached a specific point and to view session replays, click Show visitors to the right of the listing.

Example usage

  1. To view the DXS for a point in the journey, hover over the node at the point you want to explore.

    The image below shows the DXS at 7.1 for the first and second steps in the journey:The DXS at a stage in the journey

  2. To freeze a sequence on a particular point in the journey to view more details about the sequence up to that point, click the node.Freezing the sequence on a point in the journey

  3. To view the same details the rest of the sequence, click or hover over an outer node.Viewing details from an outer node on a journey

  4. To view details about the any Sessions in the sequence and a Session replay, click the Show visitor button to the right of the listing.Sessions in the sequence of sessions on a journey