Group reporting

For some organizations, multiple groups compose a larger support structure, and monitoring the performance and quality of service by that group is a vital piece of ongoing improvement.

Segmenting data by parallel teams might not provide enough granularity. For example, your organization might have 10 teams that compose the overall structure of your Support team, but might also have multiple groups within those teams, or perhaps three of those teams actually belong to one larger group.

In Medallia Agent Connect you can segment performance reporting by department or site by assigning Team Members to designated reporting groups, making it easier to organize performance metrics. Use these group-level reports to determine how a particular group of teams or employees is doing as compared to a different group, or how subgroups are performing compared to each other.

Best practices for reporting groups

The most common use cases for group-level reporting include using groups to segment for business process outsourcing, work sites, lines of business, and departments.

Group reporting is most valuable when employees belong to a specific group, and their membership in that group does not often change. If employees switch between groups often, such as when they work across multiple lines of business, you might prefer to report on that data using custom properties instead of group assignments.

Configuring groups for reporting

The Agent Connect Client Success Manager creates the groups you need.

  1. Plan your group hierarchy for reporting purposes.

    This includes determining group and subgroup names, and deciding which users should be assigned to each group.

  2. Contact Medallia Technical Support for a CSV template used to record your reporting group hierarchy.
  3. Enter your reporting group structure in the template.

    Each row represents a group. Each column mst have data for each group. For example:

    Example CSV file for a group reporting structure

  4. Email your group structure CSV file to your Agent Connect Client Success Manager, who oversees the creation of your group-reporting structure.
    Note: Agent Connect assumes that all Team Members reporting to the same Team Leader should have the same group assignment as their Team Leader. If this is not the case, create a separate row in the CSV file for the Team Member, and indicate the correct reporting group.

After your Agent Connect Client Success Manager has created your reporting group structure, a Trends Groups dashboard is available in reporting. Data is available on this dashboard immediately.

When you add or edit Team Members on the Manage Team screen, Agent Connect assumes that those Team Members belong to the same reporting group as their Team Leader.

Note: While you can manage existing group assignments on the Manage Team screen, you must contact your Client Success Manager to implement changes to your overall reporting-group structure.