Customer feedback and the Stream

The Stream is your real-time feed of customer feedback. Survey responses flow into the Stream as they are received, permitting Team Members to see their own interaction data, and Team Leaders to see data for their Team Members. It provides several ways to filter customer responses, enables you to drill down for more detailed information for any interaction, and has links that make it easy to review interactions for coaching opportunities.

The Stream is the first screen Team Members see after signing in. To open the Stream from anywhere else in Medallia Agent Connect, click Stream in the navigation bar.

30 day performance summary

The top of the Stream shows a performance summary of the most recent 30 days. The summary includes the two key metrics configured for your company's Stream, which helps you identify at a glance how you are performing.

30 day performance summary

The summary includes the areas of improvement that have been identified in your interactions, and either areas of excellence or rewards, depending on what has been configured for your company. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement and Rewards.

Team Members also see a breakdown of how their rating was calculated. For example, in the image above the Team Member can see the breakdown of Star Ratings they received for their 32 interactions over the past 30 days.

Stream of interactions

Below the 30 day performance summary is a stream of cards, each representing an interaction with a customer, with the most recent interactions at the top. Responses to each survey question appear in the order they are asked in the survey. For example, if your survey has a Star Rating question, then Areas of Excellence, followed by NPS, the questions appear in the same order in the Stream card.

Interaction cards on the Stream

Click Show details for any interaction to expand the card, showing more detail about the interaction, such as customer contact information, the channel used, and tags from your contact center software.

Several links appear under each card, depending on your role. Team Leaders see all of the links, while Team Members see only the Copy and Save links.

  • See original ticket — For Team Leaders, this opens the original ticket for the interaction in your contact center software.
  • Copy shareable link — Copies a link to the interaction so you can paste it in an email message, team chat tools, and so on.
  • Review — For Team Leaders, this begins a new QA review of the interaction. For more information, see Quality Assurance (QA).
  • See review — For Team Leaders, this opens the QA review completed for the interaction.
  • Save — Saves the card to your Stream.

Team Leaders see a row of Team Member icons above the stream of cards, as shown in the image above. When QA is enabled, the icons indicate how many QA reviews were completed for each Team Member (otherwise, when QA is disabled, the icon always shows 0 reviews). Click any icon to open or close a dialog showing the reviews completed for that Team Member and a list of the Team Member's recent interactions. For example:

Reviews and recent interactions for a Team Member

To start a QA review for a listed interaction, hover over the row for that interaction and then click Start Review. To open a new review for an interaction selected randomly, click Review Random. For more information, see Review interactions.

Actions & Kudos

Team Members see an Actions & Kudos section in their Stream. This area lists the kudos you received from QA reviewers, and the action items identified during 1:1s with your Team Leader.

Actions & Kudos for Team Members

Hover over any kudos tile to see buttons that enable you to Celebrate the kudos or Dismiss the tile from your Stream. For action items, click the box to mark the item as completed.


Along the left side of the Stream are several fields and boxes that enable you to filter the Stream. Filtering to a specific date range can help to make reporting easier. You might want to filter to see only survey responses for a specific Team Member. You can view only responses that include comments, only responses where a Service Recovery survey response was conducted, and so on.

For example, in the following image the Stream is filtered to show only phone interactions that received 1-3 stars, and that were received over the last 30 days.

Filters for the Stream

Click the bell icon at the top of the filter list to configure notifications and alerts when certain interactions appear in the Stream. For more information, see Notifications and alerts.

Displaying customer information in cards

Displaying customer information, such as the customer's name and email address, in feedback cards can provide more context when reviewing responses. Some teams prefer not to display customer data on the Stream for Team Members, while they do want Team Leaders to have access. Other teams prefer that only Admins are able to view customer information on the Stream. Team Leaders can configure this setting.

  1. On the Settings screen, click Manage Team.

    The Manage Team screen appears.

  2. On the Manage Team screen, click Team Settings.

    The Team Settings dialog appears.

    The Team Settings dialog

  3. In the Who can see customer information in Stream? field, select an option indicating the roles that should see customer information in the Stream.
  4. Click Save.

Removing feedback from the Stream

Admins can remove a piece of feedback from the Stream when the response is inaccurate or generally unhelpful. Doing so removes the entire response from the Stream and all other reports. Removed feedback no longer counts toward the related Team Member's performance rating.

Important: Medallia recommends that you adopt company rules for using this feature, and communicate those rules clearly across your team. Make sure this option is used consistently and sparingly for the following reasons:
  • After a piece of feedback has been removed, it cannot be re-added.
  • Removing feedback can skew star ratings and other metrics.

Complete the following steps to remove feedback from the Stream:

  1. Under the card containing feedback you want to remove, click Remove feedback.

    Remove feedback link

  2. Click Remove all data.

    Remove all data