Survey responses on the Stream

The Stream is your real-time feed of customer feedback -- survey responses flow into the Stream as they're received, and reviewing the Stream is one of the best ways to encourage real-time coaching. We provide tools for tasks like filtering the Stream, beginning QA reviews based on recent interactions, and quick links to access the original interaction in your ticketing system. Below we'll walk through using the Stream and all of its features to supercharge your support team!​​

example view of the stream

On the Stream, you'll see that survey responses are shown in cards. Each card holds a single survey response, and responses to each survey question appear in the order they're asked in the survey. For example, if you're asking a Star Rating question, then Areas of Excellence, followed by NPS, that's the order in which you'll see those aspects of the survey response in each card on the Stream.

example feedback on the stream

Toward the bottom of each survey response card, you'll find a Show Details link, which allows you to unfurl further details regarding the interaction and survey, like the channel of interaction, brand information, ticket/case number, tags, etc.

example of viewing additional details

And below the Show Details link, you'll find a few additional options when you hover over a survey response card, including See Original Ticket, which will lead you to that ticket inside of your ticketing system, Copy Shareable Link, which automatically adds a copy of the direct link for this survey response to your clipboard, the option to Review (if you're using QA), and the Remove option, which will allow you to either remove the comment from the survey response or remove the entire survey response from the Stream. To learn more, see Remove feedback from the Stream.

example survey response

Filtering the Stream

On the left-hand side of the Stream, you'll find a number of filtering tools, which help to ensure that you can find the survey responses that are most helpful for your current task. ​​

example of filtering responses

Filtering to a specific date range can help to make reporting easier, or filtering to find only survey responses regarding a specific Team Member. You can view only responses that include comments, or view only responses where a Service Recovery survey response was conducted. The options are pretty endless!

Star-Rating Response Breakdown for Team Members

When Team Members view the Stream, they can see a breakdown of all of the star-rating survey question responses they've received, which helps to surface how their Star Rating average is calculated, and reduces stress regarding one or two negative responses driving their Star Rating average down. This breakdown is only available for Team Members, and is shown automatically at the top of their Stream view under the Performance for the Last 30 Days bar at the top of the Stream.

example performance breakdown

QA From the Stream

The Stream also offers quick QA actions at your fingertips. Starting QA reviews from the Stream allows your team to focus on real-time coaching and performance enhancements, and helps agents to self-coach and adjust to meet their goals. ​​

example performance breakdown

If you are using Stella Connect QA, Team Leaders will see a Recent Interactions carousel at the top of the Stream. Clicking on any of the Team Member photos in the carousel will pull up interactions for review, and will allow you to randomize selection. ​You can also use the Review link below any survey response card to quickly begin a review for any interaction that resulted in a survey response straight from the Stream!