Adobe Target

The Adobe Target data connector allows you to connect Adobe Target with Decibel to analyze split-testing variations and personalization with Experience Issues.
Note: The Adobe Target data connector does not work retrospectively. DXA collects and aggregates Adobe Target variations each time the script is executed. Adobe Target data is available in DXA once the data is processed.

Key use cases

The following list highlights some key use cases for connecting Adobe Target with DXA:

  • Identify hypotheses for split-testing variations and experimentation
  • Identify causes of split testing failures and successes by visually comparing performance using the Smart Selection heatmap background and session replays.
  • Benchmark and analyze split-testing variations using DXS and experience signals by creating segments for Adobe Target experiences
  • Move from iterative testing to innovative testing


Adobe Target must be deployed on a page alongside DXA.

Experiences and multi-variant split tests are tracked automatically with response tokens.
Note: This method is only available if you are using at.js.

Configuring the Adobe Target data connector in DXA

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Connectors > Configure Data Connectors > Split Testing > Adobe Target.Adobe Target data connector

  2. Select Adobe Target Integration Enabled.

    The API Version dropdown menu appears.API Version dropdown menu in the Adobe Target data connector settings

  3. In the API Version dropdown menu, select one of the following versions of the at.js you're using:

    • 1.0 — At.js version 1.x

    • 2.0 — At.js version 2.x

  4. Click Save.

The Adobe Target data connector is enabled.


Enable response tokens

To allow Adobe Target to share metadata with DXA, you must enable the following response tokens in Adobe Target:
Note: Response tokens are only available for at.js versions 1.1 and above.

Deploying Adobe Target with a tag manager

To enable DXA to use the Adobe Target response tokens, you must add the Decibel/Adobe Target library footer code to the Target library. To do this:
  1. In Adobe Target, in the Setup tab, go to Implementation.
  2. In the Implementation Method section, select at.js.
  3. Click Edit at.js Settings.Deploying Adobe Target with a tag manager

  4. In Library Footer, paste the relevant DXA/Adobe Target library footer code depending on the version of at.js you're using.Paste the DXA/Adobe Target library footer code in Library Footer

  5. Go back to Implementation and click Download at.js.Download at.js

  6. Redoploy the at.js file with a tag manager.

Deploying with Adobe Launch

  1. In Adobe Launch, create a new rule or modify an existing rule that executes on page load.
  2. After the action that loads Adobe Target, add a custom code action called "Send Response Tokens to DXA". To do this:
    1. Under ACTIONS, click +.
    2. In Extension, select Core.
    3. In Action Type, select Custom Code.
    4. In Name, rename the custom code action "Send Response Tokens to DXA".Deploying with Adobe Launch

    5. Depending on the version of at.js you're using, paste the relevant DXA/Adobe Target library footer in a text editor.Pasting the DXA/Adobe Target library footer in a text editor

    6. In Adobe Launch, click Save.

In the image below, the "Send Response Tokens to DXA" action uses both a core extension and custom code action:Added custom code action called "Send Response Tokens to DXA"

Using Adobe Target segment filters in DXA

  1. When adding segment filters, click the Integrations tab.Integrations segment filters

  2. On the list on the left, click Adobe Target variation.Adobe Target variation

  3. Click Please select ....

    A list of Adobe Target segment filters appears.Adobe Target segment filters list