Google Optimize

The Google Optimize data connector allows you to gain insights into Google Optimize experiments using DXA features, such as segments and heatmaps.

Enabling the Google Optimize data connector in DXA

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Connectors > Configure Data Connectors > Split Testing > Google Optimize.Google Optimize data connector

  2. Under Google Optimize, select Google Optimize Enabled.

  3. Click Save.

The Google Optimize data connector is now enabled. DXA will automatically capture information on Google Optimize session experiments.

Adding filters to segments leveraging Google Optimize session experiments

  1. When adding filters to a segment, go to Integrations > Google Optimize.

    Note: To add filters to a segment, see Segment Filters.
    Google Optimize segment filters
  2. In the Please select ... box, enter the Google Optimize session experiment to leverage in the filter.

    For experiments with variations, such as A/B tests and multivariate tests, DXA captures the experiment ID and variant, as shown in the image below:DXA capturing the experiment ID and variant

    For experiments without variants, such as personalisations and banner templates, DXA only captures the experiment ID, as shown in the image below:DXA capturing the experiment ID alone

  3. Click Apply this filter.

The filter is added to the segment. After saving the segment, you can apply the filter to heatmaps.
Note: To apply the filter to heatmaps, see Applying Segments to Heatmaps.