OpenText Optimost

The OpenText Optimost data connector allows experiments performed on a property to be captured and segmented in DXA. When applying segments which contain Optimost variants as a filter to heatmaps, creatives for a variant will be triggered to allow precise evaluation of an experiment.

Note: This data connector doesn't work retroactively as it requires DXA to collect and aggregate the variations each time the script is fired.

Enabling the OpenText Optimost data connector

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Connectors > Configure Data Connectors > Split Testing > OpenText Optimost.OpenText Optimost data connector

  2. Under OpenText Optimost, select OpenText Optimost Enabled.

  3. Click Save.

The OpenText Optimost data connector is enabled.

You must contact your Monetate account manager to finalize the integration and allow DXA to collect Monetate variations on pages where both Monetate and DXA are present, along with any created segments.

Using OpenText Optimost variations

Upon collecting Opentext Optimost variations, you can begin to use these by creating segments based on them.

When adding filters to a segment, go to Integrations > Optimost variation and use the Please select ... text box to search for a variation.

Note: To add filters to a segment, see Segment Filters.
Optimost variation filters

You can then use the segment to filter sessions, heatmaps, forms, and other DXA features based on visitors who have viewed that particular variation.