RSS notifications

Receive notifications of timely updates to some noteworthy Medallia Documentation topics.

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

Subscribe to the Medallia Documentation portal's experimental RSS feed RSS Logo for updates on important topics such as

  • new release notes,
  • GovCloud changes,
  • IP address and host changes,
  • and more.

To subscribe to the Medallia Documentation RSS feed, point your feed reader to this url:

Warning: This URL is temporary and expected to change in the future. There will be a notification when it changes.

RSS feed readers and aggregators

Use an RSS feed reader or aggregator to subscribe to the documentation portal RSS feed. Per Wikipedia:

There are various news aggregator software for desktop and mobile devices, but RSS can also be built-in inside web browsers or email clients like Mozilla Thunderbird.