Testing custom CSS

After uploading the CSS file to the appropriate server and adding the location URL to Form Settings, test the CSS file using the Form Preview. To do this, click the options menu for a specific survey in either card or list view and select Open Form Preview.

Open Form Preview icon.

The CSS file is applied to the file, which opens in Form Preview.

Form Preview.

Viewing recent changes

To view the most recent changes made to the CSS file, clear the browser cache or force the browser to refresh the cache. In Chrome, force a cache refresh from the developer tools console, as follows:

  1. Select View > Developer > Developer Tools from the Chrome main menu. Alternately, right-click a specific object and select Inspect.
  2. In the developer tools console, right-click the Refresh icon and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload. Refresh icon options in Chrome.

Making changes in the developer console

It is possible to make temporary changes and test various CSS property settings in the browser's developer console. These changes are not saved on your web server and are only temporary in the current browser window.

Modifying properties in the developer console requires copying changes manually to the CSS file in a text editor and uploading it to your hosting service.