Medallia Digital Web 2.52 release notes

Released starting 15th August 2023

System requirements

Digital for Web requirements

  • Digital Command Center browsers: Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

Survey-taking requirements

  • Desktop browsers
    • Latest two versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

    • Other browsers or older versions will likely work; however, Medallia cannot certify a full experience in browsers older than two years. Any issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.

  • Mobile browsers

    • Google Chrome: latest version

    • Android: latest version

    • Safari for iOS: latest version

  • Network connectivity requirements: Digital surveys require unobstructed network connectivity over an HTTPS connection. If your organization employs a content security policy or any other network filtering method, you might need to allow-list Medallia domains. For more information, refer to allow-list documentation or contact your Digital expert.
  • ADA / WCAG compliance: Digital Web survey form 2.0 is certified WCAG 2.1 Level AA. For the best survey experience, Medallia recommends the following screen reader and browser combinations:
    • Microsoft Windows: Mozilla Firefox + NVDA and Google Chrome + JAWS

    • Apple MacOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Android: Google Chrome + TalkBack

    • iOS: Safari + Voice Over

    • Safari MacOS users: To enable tabbing in Safari, it is required that the Press tab to highlight each item on a webpage box, located under Safari Preferences - Advanced, is selected.


  • The following was enabled for all customers:

    • IP Addresses are no longer stored by default in the Digital Command Center.
    • The end-client side no longer uses cookies for runtime and targeting logic. Instead of cookies, the data is stored in the browser's local storage. Existing cookies on the client’s computer are not deleted but expire naturally over time. Customers who are relying on our internal cookies in custom rules should update them to use local storage instead.
      Note: Customers using the "Top-level-domain" targeting feature continue to use cookies as that feature is cookie-based.
    • Web surveys that use custom CSS now display a spinner until the custom CSS file has been downloaded and applied.
    • The screen reader now traps focus more accurately.
    • The "Feedback" button now supports a hover color as well as a custom Z-Index value.
  • The Hmong(hm) and Farsi(FA) languages are now supported for surveys.

  • Adding new alternatives to a reusable question in Experience Cloud is now reflected when you edit the form that uses that question or create a new instance of that question.

Resolved issues

  • Legacy users with "CX Manager" permissions could not access "Real time alerts".

  • Hybrid Hosted properties with a content security policy (CSP) that prevented "Inline style" were seeing an issue when the Medallia loading spinner appeared. Note that the fix must be enabled by your Medallia team, and after enablement you need to download and deploy a package that contains the fix.

  • Custom HTML forms can now broadcast the entire feature payload via custom events.

  • When duplicating a form the translations for multiple choice components (Checkbox, Radio Button, Dropdown) are now duplicated as well.

  • In embedded forms that included images the form height was not calculated properly.

  • Existing custom CSS is no longer being reset when enabling the resources library feature.

  • On multi-page survey forms, text-area fields were not editable after returning from the previous pages.

  • The Network error message("Oops...") can now be closed by pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.

  • Survey Form 2.0 now displays a scrollbar by default if the content exceeds the currently displayed area. Note that on FireFox the scrollbar only appears when the user actively scrolls.

  • When using the approved domains feature, the "Feedback" button no longer appears on a non-approved domain.

  • This feature is available upon request. Ask your Medallia expert to file a Feature activation request with Medallia Support. Administrators can now resume usage of the Refresh configuration option.