Tabular responses with dataTable

A graph represented as a JSON object can be a parsing challenge when the required data needs to be a table. To solve this use case for feedback and invitations, use the dataTable node to optimize the response for formatting as a table. The response data structure allows getting the 3D array of values, where the

  • first index represents the row, the

  • second one represents the column, and the

  • third is used for indexing multiple values in potentially multi-valued fields.


query {
   feedback {
       dataTable(definition: {
            columns: [
               {fieldId: "multivaluedField1"},
               {fieldId: "field2"}
            ]}) {


      "dataTable": {
        "values": [
          /* Row 0 */
             /* Columns */
             [ "1", "2" ], /* multivaluedField1.values */
             [ "4" ],      /* field2.values */
          /* Row 1 */
             /* Columns */
             [ "4", "1" ], /* multivaluedField1.values */
             [ "7" ],      /* field2.values */