Create Attribute Capture Points for App Preferences

After setting up your Interaction Points, you can create Attribute Capture Points for those Interaction Points to capture data that is not directly visible in your app.

You can create Attribute Capture Points, directly, in your app when running the SDK in Admin mode.

This feature is currently available only for Android SDK integrations.

Step 1: Run your App with the SDK initialized in Admin mode

Ensure you run your app with the SDK initialized in Admin mode. In Admin mode, you have access to the Poker chip that allows you to access configuration features at your fingertips, after you log in to your Space.

For more information, see Integrate the Android SDK for MXO in your App.

Step 2: Log in to MXO in Admin mode

On your mobile device, log in to MXO in Admin mode to define where you want capture customer data.

  1. On your device, open your app. You'll see the MXO Poker chip on-screen.
  2. Tap the Poker chip to view the Login screen.Mobile - App Prefs AM 1
  3. Log in using your MXO username and password.
  4. After logging in, tap the Poker chip again to activate Edit mode.Mobile - App Prefs AM 2

Step 3: Create your Attribute Capture Point

Attribute Capture Points can be created for app preference data that is not shown on screen. These are typically groupings of key-value entries and are managed by your app developer or other SDKs. For example, an app preference data point might be a user's choices about the notifications they are happy to receive. An app developer may keep the user's choices in a shared preference called Notifications. The Notifications preference would contain zero or more entries of key-value pairs.

Example Notification Shared Preference Data


Let's say you want to capture the _send_emails_to value into a new attribute when the user navigates to the settings screen of your app. You can easily capture this attribute by tapping on the Interaction Region and selecting CAPTURE APP PREFERENCES when in Edit mode on the Settings Interaction.

To create an Attribute Capture Point

  1. With the Poker chip OFF, navigate to the Interaction (Screen/View) for which you want to capture Shared Preference data.
  2. Tap the Poker chip to enter Edit mode.
  3. Tap any element on the Interaction Point which brings up a pop pp.
  4. Tap Region.
  5. Tap CAPTURE APP PREFERENCES.Mobile - App Prefs 1.png
  6. Tap the Shared Preference Entry you wish to capture. In our example we will select send_emails_to.
    Mobile - App Prefs 2.png
    Make a note of the Data Type for the selected entry. You will need this later to compete configuration of hte capture point.
  7. Tap the Submit icon.
  8. Enter send_emails_to as the Attribute Capture Point Name.
  9. Ensure the capture point is enabled.Mobile - App Prefs 3.png
  10. Tap Select customer attribute or create a new one to select where you want to store the captured information. In our example, we are going to create a new attribute.
    Note: You can also choose to store the captured information in an existing attribute, if required.
    Mobile - App Prefs 4.png
  12. Select Text as the Data Type and then tap the Submit icon. MXO creates a new Customer Attribute with the same name as the associated Attribute Capture Point.Mobile - App Prefs 5.png
  13. Tap DONE on the confirmation screen to complete your configuration.Mobile - App Prefs 6.png

At this point the Attribute Capture Point you created is unpublished and can be tested using Preview mode in the SDK.

To test your configuration in User mode, you must publish this configuration. Publishing also ensures you can start capturing this information for apps you have already deployed to the App Store that have the SDK integrated in them.

The SDK can now capture this Attribute, automatically, every time a user visits the given Interaction Point in your app.

How do I edit or Delete Attribute Capture Points?

Use the main MXO UI to edit or delete any Attribute Capture Points. Simply navigate to the associated Interaction Point, to make your changes.