Nth (Journey)

The Nth filter allows you to return a single, specific journey for a customer in the query results. Start with either the first or last journey in the full customer path and specify which particular journey in the path to include in the query results.

You can also use the Nth filter to pre-filter a customer-level query using a journey-level query. That is, by specifying the particular journey within the full customer path for which you want to filter customers, based on other behavior.

Optional Components

from endnth (2) from end journey

Usage Notes

  • Supports a full boolean tree using parentheses.
  • Use in conjunction with FROM, THROUGH, and TO.
  • To return the very first or very last journey in the full customer path, specify nth (1) in your query.


discover nth(2) journey FROM interaction(activity='Select Tickets') TO interaction(activity='Check Out')
discover nth(1) from end journey THROUGH (channel='Assisted' activity=Mobile App Install)
discover nth(1) from end journey THROUGH (proposition='Gold Card') for customers with action(id='July offer 0% interest on purchases) delivered