A TO filter splits the journey on each occurrence of the final context you specify in your query.


TB - to query

Splitting Process

TB - Badge 1Find the first Mobile interaction. Mark as end of journey.
TB - Badge 2Move back to the first interaction on the full customer path. Mark as the start of the journey.
TB - Badge 3Find next Mobile interaction. Mark as end of journey.
TB - Badge 4Move back to end of previous journey. Mark interaction immediately after that as start of the next journey.
TB - Badge 5Repeat steps 3 & 4 to the end of the journey.

Usage Notes

  • A journey can be the length of a single interaction.
TB - to example


In this example, you end up with seven customer journeys based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

I want to identify behavior that commonly leads to customers requiring assistance.


FilterQuery Parameters
TOChannel = Assisted
discover journeys to interaction(channel="Assisted")


  • Shows what customers do before they transition to the Assisted channel.

    • The most frequent interaction prior to the assisted interaction is of most interest when trying to determine why customers requires assistance.
    • You may not be able to see where else customers go from the previous interaction unless they go through the Assisted channel at a later stage in the journey.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

I want to identify behavior that leads to customers purchasing our products.


FilterQuery Parameters
TOActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys to interaction(activity="Purchase")


  • Shows where customers start their purchase journey.
    • Only includes starting nodes for journeys that have a correlating purchase event.
    • Does not mean that all customers starting their journey on that node eventually purchased a product. Customers without a correlating purchase event are excluded from the results.