A TO LAST filter splits the journey only on the very last occurrence of the interaction context you specify in your query.


TB - to last query

Splitting Process

TB - Badge 1Mark the first interaction on the full customer path as the start of the journey.
TB - Badge 2Find the last Mobile interaction. Mark as end of journey.

Usage Notes

  • TO LAST only ever returns a single journey.
  • A journey can be the length of a single interaction.

TB - to last example


In this example, you end up with a single customer journey based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

When did the customer last purchase a product?


FilterQuery Parameters
TO LASTActivity Type = Purchase
discover journeys to last interaction(activity="Purchase")


  • Defines the last purchase event as the end of the journey and the first customer interaction as the start of the journey.
    • May include other purchase events within the single, returned, journey that we do not know about.
    • Does not provide the most helpful results as it may span up to 90 days of interactions and actions correlating to multiple journeys, not just the single journey returned for the context you defined.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

When did customers stop engaging with our brand on their iPhones?


FilterQuery Parameters
TO LASTTouchpoint = Mobile App Device = iPhone
discover journeys to last interaction(touchpoint="Mobile App" device="iPhone")


  • Finds the last mobile interaction on an iPhone.
  • Shows interactions prior to that event that may explain why customers no longer engage with your brand on their phone. For example, there is likely to be a "Remove mobile app" event.
  • Consider why customers are removing the mobile app from their phones.
    • Does this point to an issue with your mobile app on iPhones?

Suggested Best Practice

  • Use the results of this query as the input for a second query to discover where customers engage with your brand after they remove the mobile app from their phone.