Editing phases in a funnel challenge
This article explains how to edit the phases in a funnel challenge. To learn more about funnel challenges and how to create them, see Creating a funnel challenge
An introduction to editing phases
You can change the name, duration, description, access options, idea submitting options and voting options for each funnel. As a general rule, we would advise that you spend some time planning your funnel challenge before you edit the phases. Once a phase has started, you cannot change the start time, or reset the votes or comments from the previous phase. When a phase has ended you can't make any changes to the phase options.
To edit a phase, go to the challenge editor for the challenge, click on the Challenge Type tab and click on the pen icon of the phase that you want to edit.
As you edit your phases, you'll get an overview of the key set up features of each phase:
These let you know:
If the 'Advance all ideas to the next phase' option is switched on
The voting type of the phase
How many moderators the phase has
The amount users the challenge has (Including groups and individual users)
If votes are reset at the start of the phase
If comments are cleared at the start of the phase
Changing the start date and duration of phases
In the Details tab of the phase settings, you can change the name of the phase and either its start date or its duration. You cannot change the duration of the final phase in a challenge, as this represents the final state of the funnel - the only way to change that is to add another phase to the end.
You can set the start time for the first phase of a challenge, for all other stages the start time will be immediately after the previous phase ends: when one phase ends, the next one starts.
Editing access and options settings
In the Access and options tab, you can edit which users have access to and can moderate that phase of the challenge. The access options here can be set in the same way as access settings in the a standard challenge. You can have different access settings for each phase.
Here you can also choose how users are able to contribute to the phase. For instance if you would like them to be able to submit ideas, vote and comment etc.
The majority of the options in the phase options tab are the same as you will find in the standard challenge options.
There are some options that you will only find in funnel phases:
- Automatically advance all ideas into the next phase
- When this box is ticked, all ideas that are in this phase will automatically be moved into the next phase when the current phase ends. If this box is not ticked, only those ideas that have been manually advanced by a moderator will move into the next phase of the challenge. For more information on advancing ideas in a funnel challenge, see Advancing ideas in a funnel challenge.
- Reset all comments for this phase
- If this box is ticked, when this phase begins, all comments will be removed from all ideas.
- Reset all votes for this phase
- Selecting this option will reset the vote count for all ideas when the phase begins.
If you activate a vote wallet in a phase, the number of votes that you give to users will only be applicable for that phase. Any restrictions on the number of votes will be reset in the next phase and votes do not carry over into the next phase if not used.
Adding a phase description
In the description tab you can enter a short description of the phase for users. The phase description is shown when users click on the current phase and shows as a tooltip when users hover their mouse over previous or future phases (see image below).
Customizing the idea submission form for a phase
The customize form tab allows you to add questions to the idea submission form for ideas in that phase. To add an additional question to a phase:
Click Add new question and enter the question in the TITLE text box (Optional: you can add a description for the question to give users more information by clicking the Add description link).
If you would like to add a question that requires users to choose options from a drop-down list:, add the options from which you'd like users to choose their answer in the OPTIONS box, separating each answer with a comma.
Click the required check box to use the question in that phase.
If you would like to use the same question in subsequent phases, go into the options for that phase and then to the Customize Form tab, there you will see any questions that you have added to previous phases. To include a question in a phase, make sure that the REQUIRED box is ticked.
Then you add questions to a phase, the user will not be sent a notification that the idea submission form has changed. If you would like users to edit their idea to answer your additional questions, you must notify them yourself (for example by using the Email management feature).