
Badges encourage user participation and reward active community members. You can create and assign badges to chosen users.

Badges are an aspect of Gamification that helps to engage users and encourage them to be more active in the community. When as user has been assigned badges, they appears in the user's profile. For example, this profile for Barry Scott has three badges.

Barry Scott's profile includes three badges assigned by admins

Note: Users may received a badge multiple times. However, the badge ony appears once in their profile.

Badges are assigned either manually by administrators or applied automatically by rules.

Each badge has a unique image. Medallia Ideas provides several default icons you can use for badges. You can also create and upload your own badge images.

To see and manage the badges available for your community, go to Admin Setup > Gamification > Badges.

Several manually assigned badges shown in the Badges tab

Manually award or remove badges

Administrators manually award badges to reward user behavior in the community.

Manually award badges from the Edit user badges editor.
  1. Open the Edit user badges editor for the target user.
    There are multiple ways to get to the editor for a user.
    • From the User Management list, click more > Badges

      In the User Management list, a user record is shown, and the more menu open and Badges is selected

    • From the Profile summary, click Admin tools > Badges.

      Profile summary has an option for Admin tools > Badges

    • From the Full Profile, click Manage Badges.

      Manage Badges option on the Full Profile display

    Each of the above options opens the Edit user badges editor for the target user.
  2. Click a badge's Add (+) option to award it to the user.
    You can add or decrease the awards for multiple badges before saving the changes. Click Remove (–) to decrease the number of badges awarded. When the badge count is zero (0), the badge is removed from the user's profile.
    Edit user badges for Terence Simpson showing badges arranged by row in three columns
  3. Click Save.
The badge(s) now display in the users profile, and the user will receive a notification about them.

Create a badge

How to create a badge, and optionally define a rule to automatically award the badge

Each badge has unique names and icon that identifies the badge. Badges can have points to award to user scores when they are awarded the badge, and badges can be awarded manually, or automatically based on rules.
  1. Go to Admin Setup > Gamification > Badges.
  2. Click New Badge.
    Several badges displayed, and an "Upload an image" button in the list
  3. Provide a Badge name.
    The name is short and uniquely identifies the badge.
  4. Select an image from the gallery.
    To add a custom image to the gallery:
    1. Click Upload an image.
    1. If the file is not already in your library
      1. Click Choose file and select a file from your computer.

      2. Click Upload file to add the file to your library.

    2. Select the image from your library.
    3. Click Save choice.
  5. Optional: Provide additional information about the badge.
    Whether or not the badge can be awarded.
    • Yes — the badge is visible and can be awarded.

    • No — the badge cannot be awarded, and the scores for any previously awarded instances of this badge are removed from user scores. Note that re-making a badge visible restores any previously awarded scores.

    Score awarded to users who receive this badge. Default is zero (0).
    Whether the badge is assigned manually, or automatically via a rule.
    • Manually assigned

    • Assigned by rule

    Badge description
    A description of what the badge, and what it is awarded for.
  6. Optional: Define a rule.
    Badges can be awarded manually (default) or automatically based on a rule. To create a badge that is assigned automatically:
    1. Change the Rule option to be Assigned by rule.
      The options for 'Assigned by rule' include 'Award badge for' choices, 'Item type' choices, and 'Amount required'
    2. Choose the Award badge for condition.
      Depending on the option you choose, additional options become available. The conditions are:
      Posting ideas, comments or votes
      User made a minimum count of actions to either Ideas, Comments, or Votes. Each badge can be applied to only one type of activity; create additional badges to have awards for multiple activities.
      • Item type — Ideas, Comments, or Votes

      • Amount required — count of actions made to the Item type.

      Receiving comments, votes or status labels
      User engaged with the community or moderators via Comments, Votes, or Status label. Each badge can be applied to only one type of activity; create additional badges to have awards for multiple activities.
      • Source type — Comments, Votes, or Status label
      • Amount required — count of actions made to the Item type.
      Reaching a phase or milestone
      Reward the user for getting to a certain point in a funnel challenge or a milestone challenge. You'll be able to choose the phase or milestone, and the number of ideas that need to reach it, in the settings that follow.
      • Challenge — The badge only applies to on ideas in the selected challenge.

      • Phase — The user's idea reaches the selected phase.

      • Milestone — The user's idea reached the selected milestone.

  7. Click Save badge.
Visible badges can now be awarded.

Edit or Delete a badge

Modifying an existing badge's behavior

Edit a badge to changes it behavior; delete a badge to remove it from all profiles, and to keep it from being awarded in the future.
  1. Go to Admin Setup > Gamification > Badges.
  2. Mouse over the badge to edit or delete.
    The badge reveals Edit (pencil) and Delete icons (trash). Select the action to take.

    A badge with a mouse hovering over it and showing the edit and delete options

    EditOpens the badge editor. See Create a badge for detailed information about the badge options.
    DeletePrompts you to confirm the delete action. Note that deleting a badge removes it from all user profiles, and all scores associated with the badge are also removed from the profiles. Once deleted, they cannot be restored. To temporarily hide the badge and its scores from user profiles, Edit the page and change the Visible option to No.