Medallia LivingLens June 2022 (22LCR4)

System Requirements

Video platform

Supported browsers — (latest versions) Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari

Media Capture

Supported browsers

  • Desktop — (latest versions) Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari

  • Android — Chrome, Firefox, Samsung Internet, Edge for Android

  • iPhone — Safari

Release Highlights

LivingLens platform

EAP instance (
Restriction: The instance is available to Early Adopters only. Contact your Medallia representative for more information.
  • Additional functionality is now available on this Video instance:

    • Channel management allows users to create Video channels. Customer Admin user role is required.

    • User Management allows users to create and manage users on their channels. Customer Admin or Channel Admin user role is required.

    • Mobile project management gives users the ability to create mobile CaptureMe projects. Customer Admin, or Channel Admin or Pro with the Mobile Add On role is required.

  • Custom dictionary gives users the ability to control the transcript outputs in their channels by setting up Find and Replace and/or censoring profane words.

  • Lewd video detection identifies explicit content in video files and deactivates the video player for videos likely to have adult themes.
    Restriction: Lewd video detection is available to Early Adopters only. Contact your Medallia representative for more information.