Known issues
Review known issues in the Mindful platform.
In addition to new and updated features, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. When issues are resolved, we will remove the known issue from this page and announce the fixed issue in the release notes. If a fix has not yet been implemented, read the known issue description for a workaround or a clarification of the issue.
Shared environment
The Reporting Category filter on the Callback Executive Summary page can result in inflated metrics.
With the Reporting Category filter applied, stats on the Callback Executive Summary page can be duplicated, resulting in higher call counts throughout the report.
Workaround — Use the Call Target Name filter to select each of the Call Targets in the reporting category.
Date identified — February 2025
Datastore can update the wrong record if a new callback is registered shortly after canceling a callback to the same number.
This applies when the Enable Mindful Datastore Integration checkbox is selected, which causes Datastore to automatically store and update the ECBT and other statistics. After a callback has been cancelled, Datastore maintains the record of that callback until the data retention period of the associated Data Set Template expires. If Datastore is invoked for the same customer number within the retention period, it will update the data of the original record rather than the new one.
Workaround — None
Date identified — August 2024
MCB-3474 & MCB-3475
If specific special characters (such as "&") are used in the name of a Reporting Category, that category will not function as expected.
Although you can save a Reporting Category containing a special character, no data will be displayed on reporting pages with that category selected.
Workaround — Use Reporting Category names containing only alphanumeric characters until this issue is resolved.
Date identified — August 2023
Times on the Block List and Message Lookup pages of Handoff are incorrect.
The Created At time, located on the Block List and Message Lookup pages of the Handoff section, displays the time a message was created in the UTC time zone instead of the organization's time zone. This also applies to the Updated At time displayed on the Message Lookup page.
Workaround — None
Date identified — November 2022
Two agent audio prompts can play at the same time in a specific scenario.
In a customer-first interaction, if the customer disconnects the call while the Prompt Agent to Connect audio file is being played to the agent, the Customer Disconnected audio file will play at the same time. This causes both audio prompts to overlap while playing to the agent.
Workaround — None
Date identified — July 2021