Migrating from On-Premise Callback to Mindful

As you migrate from the On-Premise version of Callback to our Mindful version, we know there will be a lot of differences. We're here to support you as you learn our cloud-based application's user interface and functionality. There are many things that are similar, and of course, features that we can only offer in the cloud!

Features and Terms

On-Premise Callback to Mindful Callback Terminology Matrix

We know name changes can be hard. It's also hard to rewire our brains to speak in Mindful terms when we've lived in the On-Premise world for so long. So we created this terminology matrix to help you understand what the On-Premise Callback functionality translates to in Mindful.

The platforms share a lot of similar features and functionality. The names are different, but the concepts are the same.


On-Premise CallbackMindful Callback
QueueCall Target
Estimated Wait Time (EWT)Estimated Callback Time (ECBT)
AppointmentScheduled Callback


On-Premise CallbackMindful Callback
Queue ModeCallback Strategy
Agent PriorityAgent First
PredictiveCustomer First


On-Premise CallbackMindful Callback
Saved MinutesAverage Response
PunctualityAverage Punctuality
Return Call Hold TimeAverage Wait
Return Call ResultsOutcomes


On-Premise CallbackMindful Callback
Queues DashboardCallback Status
PriorityCalls in Queue

User Roles

On-Premise CallbackMindful Callback
N/ASuper User (Medallia employees only)

Comparing ECBT and EWT

Similarities between EWT and ECBT

For both EWT and ECBT, the calculation can essentially be reduced to (Data Point 1) * (Data Point 2) = Wait Time. Both systems have different data points available for their respective calculations, but the general approach is the same.

Diagram showing the basic EWT calculation

On-Premise Callback Calculation

In On-Premise Callback, the EWT calculation for a queue was pretty straightforward and not too challenging to remember.
Diagram showing the basic EWT calculation with Per Call Wait Time and Total Calls

The ECBT calculation in Mindful is not as simple, but the same principles are used to determine the expected wait time.

  • On-Premise Callback only uses two data points in the calculation, but Mindful uses more.
  • Some of the data points in Mindful use arrays to determine the value for the calculation, just like On-Premise Callback.
  • Mindful also counts the number of calls in queue, just like On-Premise Callback.

Arrays and Answer Events

On-Premise Callback and Mindful both use the time delta between answer events as part of their wait time calculations. On-Premise Callback called this Per Call Wait Time (PCWT). Mindful refers to this as Average Seconds Per Agent Answer.

On-Premise Callback and Mindful both drop samples into an array:

Diagram showing how both On-Premise Callback and Mindful Callback use the same time frame delta between answered events as part of the wait time calculations

The following steps show the process in action.

  1. Detect Answer events.
  2. Calculate the time delta for each answer event.
  3. Add the delta value as a sample into the array.
  4. Calculate the Average Seconds Per Agent Answer data point using a rolling average of the samples in the array.

While On-Premise Callback uses a single array to calculate EWT, Mindful actually uses multiple arrays. The additional arrays cannot be directly compared to a function of On-Premise Callback.

Array Settings

On-Premise Callback had several configurable settings available to change the function of the array. For example, you could:

  • Use an average or a median.
  • Change the number of samples allowed.
  • Configure the length of time that a sample will remain in the array.

In Mindful, ECBT settings can be configured by Mindful staff in an attempt to correct overestimation or underestimation for a Call Target. Mindful staff can:

  • Set the minimum timeframe for the rolling average calculation of the average seconds per agent answer metric.
  • Customize the calculation of the average seconds per agent answer metric.

Tracking Calls

On-Premise Callback and Mindful both rely on the number of calls being tracked to help in the wait time calculation. The stage of the call plays a critical role (inbound IVR, pending callback, priority queue).

Tracking Calls in On-Premise Callback

On-Premise Callback uses the number of total calls being tracked as part of the EWT calculation.

The following four stages in the journey of a call in On-Premise Callback were added together to get the Total Calls data point used in the EWT calculation.

Diagram showing On-Premise Callback total calls calculation of Inbound IVR plus Holding Queue plus Virtual Queue plus Priority Queue equals Total Calls

Tracking Calls in Mindful

Mindful does not use a "total calls" concept as part of the ECBT calculation, because it doesn't have visibility into all stages of a call's life cycle. Instead, it looks at the number of calls at various points in the journey. These points in the journey are referred to as call stages or phases.

Let's use the same four stages we used to describe On-Premise Callback to draw a comparison for Mindful.

1. Inbound IVR

Callers selecting a callback or interacting on inbound menus for On-Premise Callback were referred to as Inbound IVR calls. Mindful uses the term Registering Phase for calls in this stage.

In On-Premise Callback, these calls counted towards the EWT calculation. The number of calls at this stage do not count towards the ECBT calculation in Mindful.

2. Holding Queue

Mindful Callback has no concept of a holding queue and does not monitor calls queuing at a normal priority. Callers are still presented with an option to speak to the next available agent or choose a callback (ASAP or scheduled). The offer can occur in one of two places.

  • In Mindful: This method involves Mindful asking the caller if they would like to receive a callback or wait in queue for the next available agent. Callers that choose to hold are routed back to the ACD and no longer tracked by Mindful. Callers that choose to receive a callback will continue to be tracked by Mindful.
  • On the client ACD: This method involves the client asking the caller on their ACD if they would like to receive a callback or wait in queue for the next available agent. There is no message sent to Mindful about a caller choosing to hold and the call is not tracked by Mindful. Callers that choose a callback are routed to the Mindful application to register, and these calls will continue to be tracked.

3. Virtual Queue

It is better to think of this as two different queues within Mindful; one for Pending calls, and one for calls on an internal waitlist.

ASAP callbacks waiting to dial fall into one of two "queues:"

Diagram of pending and wait list queues with captions

  • Pending is for all ASAP callbacks that have not been dialed, for which the current time is still before the Minimum Callback Delay. This is where all ASAP callbacks begin.
  • ASAP callbacks in Pending will move to the waitlist when the current time is past the Minimum Callback Delay for the Call Target.

Mindful will add the number of pending calls to the number of waitlisted calls in the ECBT calculation.

4. Priority Queue

A high-priority queue in Mindful is just like a priority queue in On-Premise Callback. It is where customers wait on the ACD for an agent after receiving their callback. The number of calls in the priority queue is used to help calculate ECBT for a Call Target.

New phase: Callers talking to agents

Mindful keeps track of customers who received their callback and are actively talking to an agent. This differs from On-Premise Callback, which stopped tracking calls when they were answered by an agent. The number of callers talking to agents after receiving their callback is used to calculate ECBT for a Call Target.


  • Mindful does not have a concept of the "total number of calls." Instead, Mindful considers the number of calls at different stages:
    • Pending ASAP callbacks
    • Waitlisted ASAP callbacks
    • Pending ASAP callbacks + waitlisted callbacks
    • Calls in a high-priority queue
    • Callers talking to agents after a callback
  • We still track answered events.
  • Arrays are still there.
  • Mindful staff can configure ECBT settings.

Caller Experience

Operation Modes

Operation Modes are used in On-Premise Callback to shape the inbound caller experience. Although there is no concept of Operation Modes in Mindful, we can achieve the same results by enabling various settings in the application.

This section will show you how to configure Mindful to imitate On-Premise Operation Modes.

Note: We currently cannot imitate the following Operation Modes:
  • Queue Speak
  • Rapid Purge
  • Datebook

Normal Mode

Normal mode provides callers with the option to:

  • receive an ASAP callback
  • schedule a callback for a later time
  • continue to wait on hold
  • transition to SMS messaging

Use the following combination of settings to imitate Normal mode in Mindful Callback:

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab

  1. In the Registration section, make sure the following are selected:

    • Offer ASAP Callback

    • Offer Choose Hold

    • Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice)

    • Offer Message Intercept

  2. In the Scheduled Callback section, select Voice as the Scheduled Callback Caller Experience.


VirtualQueue mode in On-Premise Callback provides callers with the option to:

  • receive an ASAP callback
  • schedule a callback for a later time
  • transition to SMS messaging

In this mode, callers no longer have the option to wait on hold. This helps to divert more traffic to other options.

Use the following combination of settings to imitate VirtualQueue mode in Mindful:

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab

  1. In the Registration section, make sure the following are selected:

    • Offer ASAP Callback

    • Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice)

    • Offer Message Intercept

  2. In the Scheduled Callback section, select Voice as the Scheduled Callback Caller Experience.

After hours and Datebook

In On-Premise Callback, After hours mode allows callers to schedule a callback when they call outside of business hours. Datebook mode only offers scheduled callbacks at all times. Imitating either mode in Mindful involves the same combination of settings:

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab

  1. In the Registration section, make sure the Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice) checkbox is selected.

  2. Deselect all other offers and announcements in the Registration section (unless you wish to offer scheduled callbacks via Widget/API as well).

  3. In the Scheduled Callback section, select Voice as the Scheduled Callback Caller Experience.

example of imitating after hours and datebook modes


In On-Premise Callback, Purge mode sends all new inbound calls into the holding queue, but will continue to dial pending callbacks.

You can imitate Purge mode by using the toggle switches in the On/Off tab on the Global Settings page or the On/Off section of the Registration tab on the Call Target page. Alternatively, you can stop routing calls to Mindful temporarily.

Option 1 (Best Practice): Stop routing calls to Mindful

If the call center stops routing calls to Mindful, customers will not receive callback offers. You can route them directly to an agent queue instead. Any pending callbacks for the day will continue to dial while inside or outside the Hours of Operation.

Option 2: Disable callback registration

  • To stop offering callbacks temporarily for a single Call Target, set the Register Callbacks toggle switch Off on the Registration tab.
  • To stop offering callbacks temporarily for your entire Organization, set the Register Callbacks toggle switch Off on the Global Settings On/Off tab.
Important: You can use the Register Callbacks toggle switch on the Global Settings or Call Target pages to greet all callers with an announcement and disconnect. We recommend reserving this option for emergency scenarios only.


In On-Premise Callback, Standby mode does not offer any inbound treatment to callers and will stop dialing callbacks.

You can imitate Standby mode by using both On/Off toggle switches (on the Global Settings or Call Target pages). Alternatively, you can stop routing calls to Mindful temporarily.

Option 1 (Best Practice): Stop routing calls to Mindful

  • If the call center stops routing calls to Mindful, customers will not receive callback offers. You can route them directly to an agent queue instead. Any pending callbacks for the day will continue to dial while inside or outside the Hours of Operation.
  • In the Mindful UI, toggle the Process Callbacks switch Off if you would like to prevent callbacks from being dialed.

Option 2: Stop Mindful processing

On the On/Off tab, toggle the Process Callbacks and Register Callbacks switches Off .

How to Offer Callbacks

Call routing with On-Premise Callback is built to have the ACD communicate with On-Premise Callback through a CTI connection. This allows Callback to determine if the ACD should route an inbound call to Callback. The recommendation for clients is to modify their call routing logic to place the "ask" immediately after segmentation and just prior to queuing the call to agents. This process was referred to as a route request.

On-Premise Callback would consider several factors to determine whether a call should be routed to it for inbound treatment. One of these factors was the Turn-On-Threshold. This was the minimum EWT for a queue before a call was considered eligible for inbound treatment.

Route Request in On-Premise Callback

Diagram showing a route request in On-Premise callback

So how does the route request come into play with Mindful? There is no configurable turn-on threshold in Mindful and no CTI route request to perform. The client will monitor their own queue conditions and determine whether a caller should be offered the option for a callback.

One of the factors in consideration is whether or not to offer based on EWT. This is where the concept of a turn-on threshold exists and is set by the client as part of their call-routing logic. The client will define the rules on their ACD to determine when to offer callbacks.

There are two methods available to offer the option for a callback or to remain on hold:

  • Mindful asks the customer if they want to choose hold or receive a callback.
  • The ACD asks before routing callers to Mindful.

Method 1: Ask the Caller in Mindful

This method involves Mindful asking the caller if they would like to receive a callback or hold in queue. There is no "ask" or route request. If logic on the ACD determines a caller should be presented with the option to register a callback, every call will be sent to Mindful. The ACD will not ask the caller which option they want.

When the ACD determines a caller should not be asked about a callback, the call will route to queue.

These are the menu options available for callers when they arrive in the Mindful IVR:

  1. Select an ASAP callback
  2. Choose Hold - This is optional but should always be enabled in this case
  3. Select a scheduled callback
  4. Receive an SMS message

Diagram showing interaction between ACD and Mindful Callback

This method allows Mindful to collect a take rate. There is no visibility to see the number of calls the customer did not route over to Mindful. These were typically called "untreated calls" or even "under-threshold calls" in On-Premise Callback. With assistance from the client, we should be able to collect this information by getting data from the ACD.

Method 2: Ask the Caller on the ACD

This method involves the client asking the caller on their ACD if they would like to receive a callback or hold in queue.

There is no "ask" or route request. Any callers that choose to hold will simply queue to an agent. Any caller that elects to receive a callback will route to Mindful. When the ACD determines a caller should not be asked about a callback, the call should route to queue.

The inbound experience in the Mindful IVR will then present up to three options to callers:

  1. Select an ASAP callback
  2. Select a Scheduled callback
  3. Receive an SMS message

Diagram showing interaction between ACD and Mindful Callback

We recommend not offering a choose-hold option again in Mindful, since the option has already been presented on the ACD.


Here are the key points to remember:

  1. The client determines when to offer a callback to callers. There is no route request with Mindful.
  2. The concept of a turn-on threshold does exist, but there is no configuration in Mindful related to the threshold.
  3. Several options can be presented to callers on the Mindful IVR.
  4. When a choose-hold option is offered during call routing logic on the client's ACD, the best practice is to leave the option off in Mindful.

Business Hours and Smart Features

On-Premise Callback allows you to define Business Hours for each queue. Mindful requires the same configuration, but it is referred to as Hours of Operation.

Hours of Operation in Mindful provide the same functionality as Business Hours in On-Premise Callback, with one major difference: in Mindful, you can specify Hours of Operation for the entire Organization while creating unique hours for each Call Target.

On-Premise terminologyMindful terminology
Business HoursHours of Operation (Organization or Call Target)

Both applications provide options for changing the callback-offer settings towards the end of the day to minimize the impact of inbound call traffic as the close of business hours approaches.


Before discussing the end-of-day treatment, let's see where the two applications work the same:

  • Inbound call treatment: During business hours (Hours of Operation), customers can register new callbacks or transition to SMS messaging, depending on the Call Target or queue configuration.
  • Scheduled callback times: Both applications allow you to specify how many scheduled callbacks are allowed per 15-minute interval within the configured business hours.

Smart Operation Mode vs. End of Day Handling

On-Premise Callback and Mindful handle end-of-day traffic in a similar way, although the configuration and available options are different.

In On-Premise Callback, you can use the Smart Operation Mode feature to automatically change the Operation Mode when the EWT extends beyond the end of Business Hours. In Mindful, you can enable End of Day Handling features to inform callers that the business is closing soon and offer them the choice to wait on hold or register a callback for the next business day.

On-Premise terminologyMindful terminology
Smart Operation Mode
  • Smart Purge
  • Smart QueueSpeak
  • Smart Virtual Queue

Smart Operation Mode can affect the behavior of inbound treatment and outbound dialing.

End of Day
  • Offer Next Business Day Callbacks
  • Offer Return to Hold

End of Day can only affect the behavior of inbound treatment, not outbound dialing. To affect outbound dialing at specific times of day, use Smart Rules in Mindful.

To learn more about End of Day Handling in Mindful, see End of Day Handling Settings and Best Practices for End of Day Handling.


The Smart Operation Mode feature in On-Premise Callback can ensure that no callbacks are dialed after business hours. However, Mindful will always dial the first attempt of a callback after the Hours of Operation have closed.

We recommend using one or both of the following methods to ensure that callbacks will not be dialed outside of the Hours of Operation in Mindful:

  • (Option 1) Enable the End of Day Handling features with enough time left to handle all callbacks that are currently pending.
  • (Option 2) Use Smart Rules to automatically set the Process Callbacks setting to Off for the affected Call Target before the Hours of Operation ends and turn it back On when Hours of Operation begins the next day. This will automatically stop and restart outbound dialing at any time you choose. To learn more about this method, see the Call Target On/Off reference article and How to Configure Smart Rules.

Invalid Responses

On-Premise Callback has configuration available for nearly 20 different places in the inbound call flow to manage invalid responses.

On the other hand, Mindful does not have any configurable options for invalid responses on the inbound or outbound call flow. Callers are typically allowed between two and four invalid responses, depending on where they are in the call flow.

Inbound Invalid Responses

During an inbound call, a caller will be allowed two to four invalid responses before being transferred to queue or disconnected.

  • If Mindful is offering callbacks, the caller will be transferred to queue after the maximum number of invalid attempts is reached
  • If the ACD is offering callbacks, the caller will be disconnected by Mindful after the maximum number of invalid attempts is reached.

Outbound Invalid Responses

During an outbound call, a caller will be allowed two to four invalid responses before the call is disconnected. The callback will be retried and rescheduled until the retry attempts have been met.


Configure Retries for the Call Target under General > Callback Strategy.

Callback Double Check

Mindful offers a simplified experience for callers who already have a pending ASAP or scheduled callback in the system. If they call in before their callback has been launched, these callers will be informed that they have already registered a callback, and the call will be disconnected.

There is no option to:

  • Cancel a callback and transfer to the holding queue.
  • Transfer callers to the priority queue after canceling the callback if their remaining wait time was within a defined period.

The check for duplicate phone numbers with a pending callback is local to the Call Target. There is no global check across all Call Targets.

Callback Strategies

On-Premise Callback and Mindful both offer the same two dialing patterns:

  • Customer first
  • Agent first

These are referred to as Queue Modes in On-Premise Callback and Callback Strategies in Mindful.

  • All Call Targets are set to Customer First by default.

Customer First

The Customer First Callback Strategy follows the same caller experience as On-Premise Callback's Predictive Queue Mode.

  1. The customer is called when it is their turn in queue.
  2. The customer accepts their callback.
  3. The customer is transferred into an ACD queue at top priority to wait for an agent.

Agent First

The Agent First Callback Strategy follows the same caller experience as On-Premise Callback's Agent Priority Operation Mode.

  1. A call is placed into an ACD queue at top priority.
  2. An agent answers the call and is told to wait as a callback is in flight.
  3. The callback to the customer is made.
  4. The caller and agent are merged together.


In On-Premise Callback, there are five different types of retry counts to help reschedule callbacks after a failed attempt to get a customer on the phone.

In Mindful, there is a single retry attempt count. Mindful does not determine if the callback failed because of a busy signal or no answer; a failed callback is simply a failed callback.

Once a callback reaches the maximum number of attempts, it is canceled.

Configuring Retries

You can configure the retry attempts for each Call Target at General > Callback Strategy. There are only two settings to configure:

  • Retries per Callback - The total number of retries available per callback
  • Retry Delay - The time to wait between each attempt

Menu Options

On-Premise Callback contains a large number of customizable menu options to present different choices to callers. The same holds true in Mindful.

The menu options presented to callers can contain any or all of the following options (found in the Registration section of the General tab):

  • Offer ASAP Callback

  • Offer Choose Hold

  • Offer Message Intercept

  • Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice)

  • Offer Scheduled Callback (Widget/API


Further Options and Press 0 to Hold are not options in Callback.

Phone Number Validation

On-Premise Callback offers configuration to affect outbound dial patterns and rules to prevent the registration of specific phone numbers or number patterns. Let's review some of the ways that phone numbers and calls are handled in Mindful based on rules implemented in On-Premise Callback.

Dialing a Callback

It was common for On-Premise Callback clients to have dial rules in place to prefix a callback phone number with specific digits. This was necessary to allow the callback to occur from a client's telephony environment.

For example, rules could be built to prefix customer phone numbers with a "9,1" to allow outbound dials to exit the client's telephony environment.

The dialing of a callback in Mindful takes place outside of the client's telephony network, via our telephony provider. There is no need for prefixed dial rules in a client's Mindful solution.


There are built-in safeguards from our telephony vendor in place to protect against dialing emergency phone numbers, such as 911.

For example, if a caller enters 911-670-2200 while registering for a callback, Mindful will allow the caller to complete callback registration with this number, but the telephony provider will prevent the outbound dialing.

You will need to use the Blacklisted Numbers feature in Mindful (on the Organization page) to stop the registration in Mindful before making it to the telephony provider. This feature can be used to block different phone number combinations in Callback. The caller will receive an alert when registering that the number they entered is invalid, and the system will prompt them to re-enter the phone number to complete the request.


In this section, we compare and contrast real-time and historical reporting features in On-Premise Callback to those in Mindful.

Real-Time Reporting

The On-Premise Callback real-time reporting engine was called Dashboards. Clients relied on this heavily to get a current pulse on conditions in the call center. The Mindful real-time reporting engine, Callback Status, provides the same metrics known and loved by On-Premise Callback clients.

This table breaks down the metrics in Dashboards and the comparable metrics in Callback Status.

On-Premise Callback termMindful term
QueueCall Target
Virtual QueueCalls Requested + Calls Waitlisted
Priority QueueCalls in Queue

The Global Snapshot in On-Premise Callback provides a list of pending ASAP, retry, and scheduled callbacks for a Queue. Clients appreciate the ability to cancel pending callbacks, as well. The Call Detail page in Mindful provides the same functionality to clients.

Historical Reports

On-Premise Callback had multiple Performance Reports and System Reports available for clients to understand the impact the solution has on their call center. Clients loved different data points available on different reports, and Mindful captures several of these data points.

This table lists data points that appear on various performance reports in On-Premise Callback, showing a corresponding report in Mindful.

On-Premise CallbackMindful
Return Call Hold TimeCallback Executive Summary
Saved MinutesCallback Executive Summary
Return Call ResultsCallback Executive Summary
Successful Reconnect by Type
  • Call Detail page > Filter by Source, or...
  • The Retry Attempt column in the exported Call Detail report
Agent Priority DetailsAvailable in the exported Call Detail report
Appointment ResultsAvailable in the exported Call Detail report
PunctualityCallback Executive Summary
Callback Double CheckCall Detail page > Filter by Duplicate Request

This next table provides data points that appear on various performance reports in On-Premise Callback, showing a corresponding report in Mindful.

On-Premise Callback Mindful Callback
Exceptions reportNot captured in Mindful
Max Try Again reportNot captured in Mindful
Return Call Detail by Phone Number reportExported Call Detail report
Return Call Phone Numbers reportExported Call Detail report
Return Call Take Rate by EWT reportExported Call Detail report
Saved Minutes reportCallback Executive Summary
Unsuccessful Return Calls by Area Code reportExported Call Detail report

Readerboard Statistics and the Mindful API

In On-Premise Callback, the Readerboard Adapter provides real-time statistics to be displayed on agent dashboards, wall-screen readerboards, and anywhere such metrics are needed.

In Mindful, the Metrics API provides similar statistics via a secure RESTful API. The Metrics API provides many of the same stats as the Readerboard Adapter and a few new stats that are only relevant in the Mindful ecosystem.

See the table below for a comparison of Readerboard Adapter and Mindful Metrics stats.

On-Premise Readerboard AdapterMindful Metrics API
Stats available in Mindful
Holdtotal_registering (Hold+IVR)
IVRtotal_registering (Hold+IVR)
Outbound + Callbacktotal_connecting
Queue Name (in On-Premise Callback) call_target_name
TotalPresented differently in Mindful
  • Sum the following stats:
    • total_pending + total_talking + total_registering + total_connecting
Not available in Mindful
Avail Agents
OpModeThere are settings available in Mindful Callback to achieve much of the same functionality as Operation Modes in On-Premise Callback.To learn more, see the Operation Modes section of this article.

New Metrics in the Mindful API

The Mindful API provides a few additional metrics only relevant in Mindful. These metrics capture statistics that are not available in On-Premise Callback due to the differences in the two services.

NameDescriptionData type
first_party_calledThe value of the First Party Called setting ("customer" or "agent") String
call_target_idA numeric identifier for each Call Target String
waitlisted_count The number of callbacks currently on the internal waitlist waiting to be dialed when queue conditions allowInteger

The current number of active calls

  • In this context, "active" means all currently active outbound calls. This differs from the Active Calls field on the Callback Status page, which only includes calls with an agent on the line.


FAQs From a Contact Center Manager

Q: I am used to EWT. What is ECBT and why are we using that instead?

A: ECBT is the newest calculation to determine when a customer can expect a callback.

Mindful accurately predicts the time a customer can expect to receive their callback via ECBT.

EWT took into consideration the information from the Holding Queue. Now, at any given moment, the calculation looks at many data sources, like talk-time metrics (agents speaking with customers), waitlist forecasts, and the configuration of each Call Target. The system dynamically uses different formulas to calculate ECBT based on different scenarios. For more information, see Understanding Estimated Callback Time (ECBT).

Q: How should we use Smart Rules?

A: Smart Rules can be utilized to automate processes, such as:

  • Disabling outbound dialing at the end of the day
  • Increasing the aggressiveness of a Call Target to clear calls at the end of the day or before a large drop in agent count

Q: We use screen pop. Is anything changing with that integration?

A: We still have a screen-pop integration.

We still offer a screen-pop integration, but it isn't a quick flip of a switch to turn it on. You'll need to work with Mindful to set up the integration.

In the call flow, if you pass an ANI to your contact center to trigger screen pop, you're in luck! The ANI of the agent leg of the callback will always be the customer's callback number.

If information needs to pass through Mindful and back to the contact center, configuring SIP headers is the easiest way to accomplish this. If you are not using SIP, we can pass data using Mindful Datastore. For UCCE/ICM environments, a CTI Event Relay can be set up if requested.

Q: We use Readerboard and/or Real-time Adapter in On-Premise Callback. Is there something similar in Mindful?

A: Get real-time data with the Metrics API endpoint.

The Metrics endpoint in the Mindful API suite will provide the same real-time data that can be found on the Callback Status page and will provide high-level information from the Call Detail page in Mindful. You can request Metrics data for specific Call Targets or from all Call Targets at once.


The Metrics API requires OAuth 2.0. If an application does not natively support this, two separate API calls must be made to retrieve the token and get the metrics.

Q: How do we connect calls to agents?

A: In On-Premise Callback, connecting a call to an agent required no interaction by the agent. In Mindful, agents need to press 1 in order to accept the call connection. Changing the agent's pool habits can be difficult, so there are a couple of available options:

  • You can have your developer team build a tool on your end that passes the DTMF of 1 when the agent is available.
  • You can create a tool or script (using an integration) to connect the agent to the call as soon as the agent is available.
  • Additionally, we offer a Voice Recognition feature where anything recognized as speech or specific word(s) will connect the call.

Turning off Wait for Live Agent can solve the issue of agents not pressing 1 to engage customer calls. However, we do not recommend turning this feature off because:

  • Turning it off prevents us from calculating accurate statistics for you.
  • We cannot help you with call pacing and other metrics-based adjustments to your system.

FAQs from Security and Compliance

Q: Is the Mindful platform SOC 2 certified?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Can we have a copy of the SOC 2 certification?

A: Yes, please talk with your Sales team who will connect you with the security team to deliver that to you via DocuSign.

Q: Is penetration testing conducted?

A: Yes it is, twice a year.

Q: Is vulnerability testing conducted?

A: Both internal and external vulnerabilities are tested. Time frames can be requested from your Sales team.

Q: If we request a security questionnaire be filled out by Mindful, how long will it take?

A: Mindful has a five-business-day SLA for security questionnaires.

Q: Are there servers/hardware to maintain?

A: Based entirely in the cloud, the hardware dependencies, server, and database maintenance are removed.

Q: How are upgrades handled?

A: All updates happen automatically, including new features. Notification of releases and outages can be subscribed to for ease of monitoring.

Q: Do upgrades on Edge devices affect Mindful?

A: Mindful is almost completely agnostic to all versions of other vendors and their updates.

Q: Is the platform high availability (HA)?

A: Yes, always.

FAQs from IT and Infrastructure

Q: What are best practices for installation?

A: TLS and SRTP are recommended protocols for security, especially when passing user data.

Q: Are any hardware/servers required? What about database requirements?

A: Based entirely in the cloud, there are no hardware dependencies and therefore no server security maintenance nor service accounts required. There is no database requirement, with everything needed for Mindful stored on the platform. The exception to this could be the passing of user data in certain environments.

Q: How are upgrades handled?

A: All updates happen automatically with rare/planned service interruption, including security updates and new feature deployment. There is no additional cost for new features available within your Platform Tier.

Q: How are we notified of new releases and outages?

A: Notification of releases and outages can be subscribed to for ease of monitoring.

Q: What happens when our other infrastructure pieces require an update?

A: Mindful is almost completely agnostic to all versions of other vendors and their updates.

Q: Who controls and manages the call routing?

A: You do! The client is in full control of routing both inside and outside of Mindful, with all routing options in Mindful available to the client. There is also more flexibility about when and how callbacks are offered.

Q: What license/resource limitations are pre-set?

A: Licenses are replaced by "conversations" in Mindful but are not limited anywhere in the software. From a technical perspective, there is no resource throttling. For more information on conversations and how those are billed/tracked, please contact your Sales team.

Q: What are the firewall requirements?

A: It will be necessary to allow Mindful's web interfaces, APIs, SIP and RTP proxies over an extended port range.

FAQs from Customer Experience

Q: Will returning customers notice a difference?

A: Returning customers will be affected the least of all by migration. Prompts will be in the same voice they recognize, the path to Mindful is incredibly similar, and the feature set has everything they are used to, with the addition of more options (Text Scheduling/Notifications) than they had before.

Q: What if we choose to offer callbacks on our IVR? What additional work does this create?

A: Prompting must be added to include the callback offer. Additionally, some thought must be given to the best way to inform customers of hold times in order to encourage them to accept the offer. Announcing the maximum wait time is suggested, as take rates are increased when some expectation of wait time is delivered. The Mindful expectation can be refined by announcing ECBT after a callback has been chosen.

It is likely you are already doing a check in the routing for business hours (Is the call center open? Is it closing soon? Are agents available? How does the EWT or longest call waiting look?). These should definitely be incorporated into the routing decision before sending a call to Mindful for treatment.

Q: Will we need to record new voice prompts?

A: This will depend on whether you use your own voice talent or not.

  • If you use your own voice talent: Yes, you will need to record a full set of Mindful voice prompts. There are far fewer than were used in On-Premise Callback, so the work/expense should be far less.
  • If you use the same GM Voices talent that Mindful used on On-Premise Callback and now in Mindful Callback: No, you do not need to record new files. We can offer some branding and even record your Caller ID number in the proper voice through our GM Voices contract with no fee. Discussion with your Integration team is suggested for full best use.

Q: How should we utilize customized media sets?

A: Customized media sets can be used in many ways!

  • Initial callback prompts can include branding (the customer will hear your company name at the front of the callback).
  • Music files can match what is played on your IVR.
  • Callback CID prompt--if recorded/uploaded and enabled in the Call Target settings, this file will play in place of the more robotic delivery of each digit.
  • Additional content can be included, like a notice of call recording or a survey request. These can be added in a few places, and a discussion with Support can pinpoint the best location. Attention should be paid to whether the prompt that is being modified loops or not, and if this longer prompt could have a negative impact on the call flow.

Q: Are we limited to just ASAP or scheduled callbacks?

A: Each Call Target can have as many or as few options for the customer as required. It is possible to only offer ASAP callbacks, although a best practice is to include scheduled callbacks whenever possible.

Q: How can we inform the customer that the callback is from our company?

A: Your company ANI is displayed and branding of prompts is still available. With fewer voice files, the process is easier with Mindful. Work with your Integration engineer to see what your options are.

Q: What can we do to mitigate long return call hold times on smaller queues?

A: Utilizing the Agent First strategy on queues with wildly fluctuating AHT or with limited staffing can reduce return-call hold time and provide a customer-centric experience.

Q: How is End of Day handled?

A: There are several options to handle the end-of-day timeframe gracefully, including but not limited to a return-to-hold option, scheduling for the next day, and allowing registered calls to process with after-hours agents.

Q: Can we add other options/channels later?

A: Yes! It is incredibly easy to enable Notifications, Automations, Digital Callbacks, and Digital Intents, and they can be enabled at any time. Reach out to Support and they will work with you to set up any of these additional free features.

FAQs about Mindful Features

Q: How do we submit feature requests? What is the best way to let Mindful know what features would be the most helpful?

A: Using the Submit Feedback button in the lower left corner of the UI directly inputs your request into our tracking software. As this is attached to your organization and you can best speak to how the feature would benefit your business, submitting this way carries the most weight.

Q: What is the difference between Business Units and Reporting Categories?

A: Business Units are used to lock users into seeing a specific subset of Call Targets. This is all about what a user sees or doesn't see in the UI.

Reporting Categories allow for the grouping of Call Targets into their own report. The choice then becomes whether you would like to see the report of an individual Call Target or a group of Call Targets. Once a Reporting Category is created, it is visible in the Filter by Call Target or Category dropdown menu under the list of Call Targets.

Q: What is the difference between disabling callback processing and disabling callback registration?

A: Callback processing is the act of dialing the callback. Disabling this process will allow customers to request a callback but will stop all callbacks from launching. You might use this if there is a temporary issue with dialing out or with agents' software. Disabling this for a long period will build up pending callbacks that will either need to be dialed or canceled.

Callback registration is the first step in the customer experience, when the customer's information is collected to be able to place the callback later. Disabling this process will allow callbacks that are already registered to be dialed, but doesn't allow any new callbacks into the system. This would be used only in emergency situations and would be better handled by stopping the flow of calls to Mindful from the ACD, as Mindful will play a message to the caller and then disconnect.