Company data retention policies screen
Use the Data Retention Policies screen to manage company-wide appropriate data retention policies.
To enable data retention policies on your instance, select the checkbox at the top of the screen. This activates the deletion of survey records according to their status grouping — complete, incomplete, and unsampled — created before the specified time. Retention periods begin once the record is saved into Medallia Experience Cloud.
Changes made on the Data Retention Policies screen generate a notification.
Retention policy
The aim of the data retention policy feature is to provide an automated way of deleting survey records from Experience Cloud after a certain time has elapsed since their creation, providing the means to specify the data retention policies (retention time by record status) appropriate for the company.
- Completed Records (Months)
- Length of time in months that Experience Cloud retains completed records. The default value is 36 months.
- Invited Records with No Response (Months)
- Length of time in months that Experience Cloud retains incomplete records. The default value is 36 months.
- Unsampled records (Months)
- Length of time in months that Experience Cloud retains surveys that did not pass the sampling criteria. The default value is 1 month.
Depending on the amount of data, record deletion takes some time. To check the status of the clean up process, check the Data retention status screen.