Error codes and solutions

2007, Orchestration aspects jar file null. Check build.gradle configuration

The 2007 error code is indicative of three possible problems:

  • A corrupt Gradle cache.
  • A firewall blocking http downloads from
  • A problem with the Medallia maven repository

Possible solutions to a corrupt Gradle cache:

  • Run Gradle build with the --refresh-dependencies flag:

    • For example, ./gradlew assemble --refresh-dependencies.
  • Clear Gradle cache by removing the cache from your user's directory gradle directory:

  • Search your Gradle cache for the android-aspects artifact. If a pom is present but there is no related jar, then clear your cache:

    • On Unix systems: find $HOME/.gradle -iname "*android-aspects*" should list at least two files: android-aspects-VERSION.pom and android-aspects-VERSION.jar where VERSION can be any valid version.

If the above solutions do not solve the problem, confirm your firewall allows access to

If the Gradle cache solutions do not solve the problem and the firewall is open, open a support ticket by emailing support.

1007, Detected Gradle version: {a.b.c}. Version {x.y.z} required.

The 1007 error code is indicative of using an incompatible version of Gradle in a Gradle project that uses the Orchestration Plugin.

The Orchestration Plugin is compiled against a specific version of Gradle and requires certain APIs to be available at Runtime. The Plugin therefore checks for Gradle compatibility.

Gradle promises that all APIs are backwards compatible until they are deprecated and removed, implying that using newer versions of Gradle are safe to use.

Google also supports open ended newer versions for Gradle when using the Android Gradle Plugin. For more information, see Android Gradle plugin 8.3 release notes which indicates the minimum Gradle version supported for each version of the Android Gradle Plugin. For example, in the Android Gradle Plugin 7.2 release notes, under the Compatibility section, the table shows the minimum supported version of Gradle is 7.3.3.

Possible solution to an incompatible Gradle Version:

Update the project's file to use the specified version as indicated by the error message. This file is typically found under projectRoot/gradle/wrapper.