
An important responsibility of Team Leaders is to coach Team Members about how best to ensure customers are happy and satisfied after each interaction. This includes things Team Members need to improve, but just as important are things Team Members already do exceptionally well. Team Leaders should give kudos for a job well done, encouraging positive reinforcement and celebrating wins. To assist with coaching, Team Leaders and Team Members should meet for regularly-scheduled 1:1 sessions.

Medallia Agent Connect provides a centralized location for all of your 1:1 sessions, making it easy for everyone to find exactly what they are looking for. Team Leaders easily prepare an agenda using context such as feedback, QA reviews, metrics, and attachments. Team Members can save items to help Team Leaders guide their coaching. Team Leaders can also build an action plan in 1:1s to help Team Members achieve their goals.

Watch this video for an overview of 1:1s:

Configuring 1:1s

Team Leaders and Admins can change the default visibility of 1:1 meetings, set the coaching categories used in meetings, configure the metrics associated with action items, and create coaching templates to standardize the 1:1 process.

Coaching categories organize action items and provide context to Team Members during 1:1 conversations. Categories also give users a way to see what has been discussed, and how often each category has been revisited. Agent Connect provides default categories of Other, Productivity, Quality, and Agent Connect.

Team Leaders and Team Members use metrics to track progress in 1:1 meetings. Verify whether the default performance metrics are suitable for 1:1s at your company, and make changes if needed.

  1. On the Settings screen, click 1:1s.

    image of the one on ones tile on the settings page

    If you do not see the 1:1s tile, contact an Agent Connect representative to add this functionality to your organization.

  2. In the Default privacy settings section, set the default visibility of 1:1 sessions:

    • On — Team Leaders see only the sessions in which they were a participant, and any sessions for their Team Members (including sessions conducted by a different Team Leader). This enables Team Leaders to collaborate without sharing those sessions with all Team Leaders.
    • Off — Any Team Leader can see any 1:1 session for any Team Member.
    Note: Admins can change the default privacy setting on the Company Info settings screen.

    Default visibility for 1:1s

  3. Optionally, in the 1:1s Categories section, change the categories to better suit your company.

    1:1 categories

    • To add a new category, click Add New, enter a category name, and then click Add.

    • To remove a category, click Archive for that category.

  4. On the Settings screen, click Metric Configuration.

  5. In the Key Metric Set section, verify the performance metrics you want used in 1:1s.

    Key Metric Set

The session screen

The session screen shows the 1:1 sessions between a specific Team Leader and Member. To open the sessions screen, click 1:1s in the Agent Connect navigation bar. If you are a Team Leader, you must then select a Team Member. The screen appears similar for Team Members and Team Leaders.

Image of the one on ones screen

Left and right columns

The left column shows the Team Member and Team Leader involved in the session. It also shows the current and previous sessions between those users, and allows the Team Leader to create new draft sessions as part of a series. For example, a Team Leader might want a weekly session with each Team Member.

The right column shows the performance metrics your company tracks for 1:1s. Hover over any metric and then click Add to 1:1 to add that metric as an item for discussion in a session. Medallia recommends either adding all metrics to discuss a full scorecard in every session or selecting one metric for focus on each session.

The right column also shows any feedback and QA reviews the Team Leader or Team Member has saved for discussion in the session.

Center column

The top of the center column lists the name of the session and shows the shared notes of the participants. Each participant can enter their own notes and can see the notes of the other participant. For example, participants might want to take notes about high-level metrics and goals, opportunities to improve, or career-level discussions. Participants can edit notes before, during, and after sessions take place. Use rich text, hyperlinks, emojis, and so on to keep shared notes productive and organized.

Coaches can populate the notes field with a pre-configured template via the Use Template button.

If metrics were added for discussion, they appear in the center column below the notes. Team Leaders might use the text boxes to provide performance-related coaching. For example:

Metrics added to a 1:1 for discussion

If the Team Member of Team Leader added any specific feedback records, QA reviews, or attachments as items for discussion, they appear below the metrics in the center column. For example.

Session additions

Attachments can be no larger than 25 MB. For a list of supported file types, see Supported file types for attachments, below.

The Give Kudos section enables Team Leaders to acknowledge specific things the Team Member has done that deserve celebration. Use kudos to say thank you to your team members for their hard work, and to celebrate your teams' successes, knowledge or expertise, effort, or demonstrating your company's values. Click Add kudo to add new line items to the list. Click Celebrate to pop confetti.

Kudos for a Team Member

Team Members and Team Leaders can add action items to move your Team Members closer to their goals. A good action is direct, succinct and can be easily completed. For example, you might add action items for training content to review, or specific things the team member should do during their next customer interactions. Team Members will be able to turn actions off as they complete them, providing a sense of accomplishment and accountability.

Action items in a 1:1

If you have configured an integration with Seismic Learning, 1:1 sessions include a Seismic Learning section. Click Add New in that section to search for and add Lessonly content to the session. After adding content, click a Lessonly tile to open that content directly in the session. For more information about integrating with Seismic Learning, see Seismic Learning.

Lessonly content in a 1:1 session

Each session also includes a Personal notes section for notes visible only to you. Use this to keep track of sensitive topics you want to discuss, or thoughts about your action-items you are not yet ready to discuss. Personal notes are hidden by default, so if you happen to be sharing your screen in a meeting others cannot see your notes. Click the Personal notes box to see your notes.

If the session should be private between the Team Member and the Team Leader, turn on the Private session field at the bottom of the screen. When this field is on, no other Team Leader can see the session, regardless of the default visibility configuration.

Creating 1:1 sessions

As a Team Leader, you can create a 1:1 session between yourself and any Team Member.

  1. In the Agent Connect navigation bar, click 1:1s.

    Team Member selection screen

  2. Either locate a Team Member in the list, or enter a Team Member name in the search field, then click New Session to begin a new draft.
  3. In the list of sessions, click New draft.

    An untitled draft session appears, with fields available for editing in the center column.

  4. Enter a Title for the session.
  5. In the My notes field, either click Use Template to populate the field with an existing template, or enter notes you want visible to yourself and the Team Member.

    Use this field for the agenda of items you want to discuss, and to provide context the Team Member might need in advance of the session.

    To learn more about configuring coaching templates, see 1:1 best practices.

  6. If needed, add action items to help the Team Member reach their goals.
  7. Use the Personal notes field to add notes that only you can see.
  8. If you want the session to be visible only to you and the Team Member, turn on the Private session field.
  9. On the right side of the screen, select any specific metrics, interactions, or QA reviews that are relevant to the session you want to have.
  10. At the bottom of the screen, click Share.

    The session is now visible to the Team Member, who receives an email notification with a link to the session.

Sharing sessions

To create the most engaging and effective coaching, Medallia recommends that each session be shared at several points in time. Prior to a session, Team Leaders should build the agenda and share the session with the Team Members, so each person can know what will be discussed and can prepare accordingly. To share a new session, click Share at the bottom of the session screen.

During the session, Team Leaders and Team Members take notes and add action items as appropriate.

After the session, Team Leaders should resend the session recap email, so the Team Member is notified and has all of the session notes for their records. Click Resend email recap at the bottom of the 1:1s screen to send a recap to the Team Member.

Exporting session data

To export a specific 1:1 session, open that session in Agent Connect, and then set your browser's print Destination to Save as PDF. For example:

Save as PDF to export a single session

Supported file types for attachments

Agent Connect supports the following file types for attachments:

  • aac
  • adp
  • aif
  • aifc
  • aiff
  • amr
  • au
  • caf
  • dra
  • dts
  • dtshd
  • ecelp4800
  • ecelp7470
  • ecelp9600
  • eol
  • flac
  • kar
  • lvp
  • m2a
  • m3a
  • m3u
  • m4a
  • mid
  • midi
  • mka
  • mp2
  • mp2a
  • mp3
  • mp4a
  • mpga
  • mxmf
  • oga
  • ogg
  • opus
  • pya
  • ra
  • ram
  • rip
  • rmi
  • rmp
  • s3m
  • sil
  • snd
  • spx
  • uva
  • uvva
  • wav
  • wax
  • weba
  • wma
  • xm