Discover Sessions

Discover Sessions displays visitor analytics from sessions using different aspects of session performance, such as the total number of pageviews received and measures of engagement, frustration, and other digital experience signals. This provides context around negative user experiences and other issues that may be preventing you from getting the most from your sessions.

To view Discover Segments (New), in Discover (New), click Sessions.Discover Sessions

Session Overview

Session Overview provides aggregated metrics for all sessions on your property, such as the total number of pageviews received and measures of engagement, frustration, and other digital experience signals.

You can select the metrics to display in Session Overview using the steps outlined below.

Note: The metrics displayed are not impacted by filters, except for Time period. Learn more: Filtering Discover reports

Selecting metrics to display in Session Overview

  1. Click Customize View.

    Selecting metrics to display in Session Overview

  2. Under Choose metrics, in the search box, enter the name of the metric you want to display or, under the search box, select one of the following metric types:




    Technical issues including average waiting/loading times the page and percentage of pageviews with errors.


    Interactions are cursor movements, clicks/touches, and other visitor actions detected on the page.


    Behaviors are patterns visitors display when navigating through a page and interacting with user interface (UI). DXA detects behaviors by identifying specific patterns and measurements calculated from digital experience signals, such as cursor coordinates.

    Overview Metrics

    Overview of page or session usage, including the average duration visitors spend on the page or in the session and an estimate of the revenue the page or session generates.

    Session DXS

    Session DXS presents the Digital Experience Score (DXS) for a session aggregating a user's experience in all pageviews. This allows you to analyze how visitors are reacting to on-page material and reduce friction.

  3. Select the metric you want to display and click > to move it to the table on the right. Add more metrics as necessary.

    Note: For details about a metric, hover over the tooltip to the right of the metric name.
    Three metrics added to table on the right
  4. Click Save.

The selected metrics are now displayed in Session Overview providing insights about all sessions on your property.Selected metrics displayed in Session Overview

Session List

Session List displays all sessions recorded on your property with anonymous location details, digital experience signals, and links to session replays.

You can select the columns to display in Session List using the steps outlined below.

Note: This report can be filtered to only display data to your criteria, such as pages or sessions with data captured within a specific time period. Learn more: Filtering Discover reports

Selecting columns to display in Segment List

  1. Click Customize View.

    Selecting columns to display in Session List

  2. Under Choose metrics, in the search box, enter the name of the column you want to display or, under the search box, select one of the following column types:




    Technical issues including average waiting/loading times the page and percentage of pageviews with errors.


    Interactions are cursor movements, clicks/touches, and other visitor actions detected on the page.

    Session DXS

    Session DXS presents the Digital Experience Score (DXS) for a session aggregating a user's experience in all pageviews. This allows you to analyze how visitors are reacting to on-page material and reduce friction.

  3. Select the column you want to display in Session List and click > to move it to the table on the right. Add more columns as necessary.

    Note: For details about a metric, hover over the tooltip to the right of the metric name.
    Four columns added to table on the right
  4. Click Save.

The selected columns are now displayed on the table in Session List providing insights about your sessions.Selected columns displaying in Session List

Sorting Session List

To sort Session List by the data in a column:

  1. Click the three-dot menu to the right of the name of the column you want to sort by.

  2. Click Sort by low to high or Sort by high to low.

Session List will now be sorted by the data in the selected column in lowest to highest or highest to lowest order.

You can also click Filter Column to filter Segment List using customizable attributes. For example, the filter in the image below will filter Session List to display sessions lower than 3 minutes on average.Filtering Session List by Average Duration


To tag a session with keywords to help you find the associated session replay, click Tag icon the tag icon.