Migrate prebuilt Interactions

The Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK for iOS introduces breaking changes for prebuilt Interactions. Interactions such as one-appInstall, one-appReinstall, and one-click have been removed from the SDK.
Important: Those Interactions are no longer tracked by the SDK.

To migrate from Thunderhead ONE to Medallia Experience Orchestration prebuilt Interactions, follow the steps below:

  1. Update app install Interaction Points in your Medallia Experience Orchestration mobile Touchpoint.

    Edit your previously created app install Interactions by updating their paths from /one-appInstall to /mxo-app-install, and /one-appReinstall to /mxo-app-reinstall.

    App Install Interaction
    Note: For more information on configuring this Interaction, see here.
  2. Update a last click attribution Interaction Point in your Medallia Experience Orchestration mobile Touchpoint.

    Edit your previously created last click attribution Interaction by updating it's path from /one-click to /mxo-click.

    Last click attribution Interaction
    Note: For more information on configuring this Interaction, see Create MXO click Interaction.
  3. Publish your changes.
Important: The Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK will not trigger these Interactions if there is no an associated Activity Capture, Attribute Capture or Optimization Point added for each.

The configured Interactions are now sent to Medallia Experience Orchestration automatically.