Release notes

MXO iOS SDK can be found in this public GitHub repository.
Note: Environment requirements for each version can be found in the Compatibility table.
  • 2.0.3
    • [UPDATE] Added a distribution certificate for signing the MXO SDK to support the latest app code signing standards from Apple.

  • 2.0.2
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with the Apple Privacy Manifest missing a required key.

  • 2.0.1
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash caused by a null pointer dereference within objc_setAssociatedObject, triggered from OneRuntimeAPIAgent during offline Interaction processes.
  • 2.0.0
    • [BREAKING] Added support for using the MXO SDK with Xcode 15.2. The MXO SDK requires Xcode 15+ (iOS 17).
    • [BREAKING] Updated minimum deployment target to iOS 12.0.
    • [BREAKING] Removed OAuth1 from runtime requests. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
    • [BREAKING] Removed the allTracking opt-in option from the opt-out configuration. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
    • [BREAKING] Fixed an issue with Interaction path differences between iOS versions for SwiftUI apps. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
    • [NEW] Added Privacy Manifests based on Apple requirements.
    • [UPDATE] Updated one-tid to tid query param appended to an outgoing URL.
    • [UPDATE] Updated Admin User Interface.
    • [UPDATE] Updated opt-out configuration logging messages.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where WebView was not properly recognized as an Interaction.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where updating Customer Attributes, Activity Types, and Propositions in an MXO Space did not reflect those changes in the SDK.
  • 1.2.1
    • [UPDATE] Added Privacy Manifests based on Apple requirements.
    • [UPDATE] Updated minimum deployment target to iOS 12.0.
  • 1.2.0
    • [UPDATE] Removed OAuth1 from runtime requests. For further details on this see our migration guide.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with a Navigation Bar label's path mismatch across iOS versions.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where optimization was not returned for PageViewController in a SwiftUI app.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where a user with no permissions was not getting an error message in Admin mode.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with clearTid API where it was clearing user credentials along with TIDs.
  • 1.1.3
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with contentUrl not being returned in MXOAsset for external assets.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with MXOAssetResponse not returning label, target, and targetUrl.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with MXOCaptureAttributePoint not returning capturePhase, captureType, captureDelay, elementType, elementName, and elementAttributeName.
  • 1.1.2
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with directives not being returned in MXOOptimizationPoint.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when a scheme was appended to a Touchpoint URI when not set by a developer.
  • 1.1.1
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue parsing the response from an Interaction.
  • 1.1.0
    • [UPDATE] Telemetry updates.
  • 1.0.1
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an Umbrella Header warning for MedalliaMXOConfiguration.h.
  • 1.0.0
    • [BREAKING] Added support for using the MXO SDK with Xcode 14.2. The MXO SDK requires Xcode 14+ (iOS 16).
    • [BREAKING] Updated minimum deployment target to iOS 11.0.
    • [BREAKING] Updated the SDK's public APIs. For further details on this see our online documentation. If migrating from Thunderhead SDK, please visit our migration guide.
    • [BREAKING] Updated prebuilt Interactions. If migrating from Thunderhead SDK, please visit our migration guide.
    • [NEW] Added support for SwiftUI apps. For further details on this see our online documentation. To see known SwiftUI issues, please visit our troubleshooting guide.
    • [UPDATE] Security updates.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where a trailing slash on host was breaking the SDK.