Complete your profile

After you receive an invitation to join Agent Connect, you can complete your own profile by adding information about yourself. The Team Leader or Admin that sent the invitation will have already provided some information for you, such as your First Name and Last Name. Remember to provide a profile picture and a bio. If your Team Leader or Admin has guidelines for your bio, it appears near the Profile field.


For information about sending and receiving invitations, see Invite new users.

Including a picture increases the number of customers who respond to your feedback requests. The picture might be an image of you at work, an action shot, an image related to your company, and so on. Speak to your Team Leader to see if there is a particular style of image they prefer you to use. If you are not comfortable using a picture of yourself, you might use a group photo, or a photo of your pet or favorite company product.

Your bio is a brief description of you that appears in feedback requests sent to customers after you resolve a support interaction. Your bio helps to highlight your personality and enables you and your company to build closer relationships with customers, so make it fun and engaging. You might want to mention your hobbies or a product or service that your company offers.

  1. On the profile screen, complete any missing information.

    Profile images must be in PNG, JPEG, TIFF, or BMP format.

    A Team Member profile

  2. Click Save.
The saved profile must be approved by a Team Leader or Admin before you can send feedback requests to customers.