
The AppDynamics integration allows you to link DXA session replays with AppDynamics.

Use cases

  • Access session replays directly in AppDynamics to better understand behaviors in sessions surfaced in Browser Rule User Monitoring (BRUM)

  • Access DXA data metrics, such as DXS, from AppDynamics


The DXA browser extension must be installed on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Enabling the AppDynamics integration

  1. In AppDynamics, go to Configure JavaScript Agent.

  2. In Configure JavaScript Agent, under Configure custom settings (optional), select Switch to advanced settings.

  3. In the text box, enter the following JavaScript code:
    (function (config) {
       (function (info) {
           if (sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem('_da_da_sessionId')) {
               var d_sid = 'di-xxxxx-' + sessionStorage.getItem('_da_da_sessionId');
               info.PageView = function () {
                   return {
                       userData: {
                           decibelSessionID: d_sid
       })(config.userEventInfo || (config.userEventInfo = {}))
    })(window['adrum-config'] || (window['adrum-config'] = {}));
  4. Edit the 'di-xxxxx-' value on the fourth line of JavaScript code above to include your property ID, e.g. 'di-12345-'. Ensure that you include the di- prefix and - affix.
    Note: You can find your property ID in Settings button settings > Property Settings > Tracking Code. Learn more Tracking Code
  5. Click Save.

  6. Copy the HTML snippet and redeploy the JavaScript file.

Your AppDynamics instance is now integrated with DXA. You can access session replays directly in AppDynamics when AppDynamics captures new session data.

Viewing DXA session replays in AppDynamics

  1. In the same browser, log in to DXA in one tab and log in to AppDynamics in another tab.

  2. In AppDynamics, go to Sessions.

  3. In Sessions, under Fields > User Data, enable decibelSessionID.

    A list of DXA sessions associated with AppDynamics sessions appears on the table. After a few seconds, the DXA session IDs will be hyperlinked.

  4. In the decibelSessionId column, click a hyperlinked session ID to go to the session replay with associated metrics in DXA.


I can't see the DXA session IDs in AppDynamics

Ensure that both DXA and AppDynamics are deployed on your property and that you've completed the steps in Enabling the AppDynamics integration.

The session IDs aren't hyperlinkedEnsure that you've installed the DXA browser extension on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and that you are logged into DXA in a tab on the same browser that you're using AppDynamics.