Medallia Digital

The Medallia Digital data connector allows you to create segments and perform analyses in DXA with survey data from Medallia Digital.

To use Medallia Digital feedback values as segment filters, you must map the forms and fields you want to capture from Medallia Digital to DXA.

Key use cases

The following list highlights some key use cases for connecting Medallia Digital with DXA:

  • Perform forensic analysis of Sessions with poor Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) to identify contributing factors that can be optimized.
  • Perform aggregate analysis of Sessions with poor survey scores to identify Experience Issues and Behaviors or technical errors that may have contributed to poor experience.
  • Benchmark and attribute survey scores and feedback with Decibel DXS.
  • Perform funnel and journey analysis on visitors who provided feedback that they couldn't complete the purpose of their visit.


  • If you want to retain all session replays where users engaged with a Medallia Digital survey, enable weighted sampling on your DXA property.
    Note: For more information, see Sampling tab.
  • "Expose feedback record in custom events" must be enabled on your Medallia Digital property. Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable the following provisions:
    • CustomEventsBroadcast
    • 21DCR3_MPC3866_exposeSelectionQuestionsInCustomEvent
    • (Optional)21DCR3_MPC3866_exposeVerbatimQuestionsInCustomEvent
      Note: This provision is required if DXA should capture verbatim feedback.

Configuring the Medallia Digital data connector

Setting up

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Connect > Data Connectors > Configure Data Connectors > VoC > Medallia Digital. Medallia Digital data connector
  2. Select Medallia Enabled.

When integration is enabled, all sessions engaging in Medallia Digital feedback will be retained and available for replay in DXA.

Adding forms and fields from Medallia Digital

Map the forms and fields you want to capture from Medallia Digital to DXA.
Note: You only need to add form field mappings for values you wish to use as segment filters in DXA.
To add forms and fields, click + Add Form.

The following settings appear:Adding a form

The following settings are available:
Please Name Your FormEnter the Medallia Digital survey form name you wish to use in DXA.
Medallia Form IDEnter the Medallia Digital survey Form ID.
Field NameEnter the Medallia Digital form field name you want to use in DXA.
Field IDEnter the Medallia Digital form field Internal Name.Internal Name field in Medallia Digital
Field TypeSelect one of the following field types:
  • int (number) — Used for integer fields such as ratings.
  • string (text) — Used for string fields such as choices and radio buttons.
RemoveClick this button to remove the field from the table.
+ Add MappingClick this button to add another field from the survey form.

To save:

  1. After adding the fields, click Save Form.

    The form appears on the Medallia Digital data connector table.Table in the Medallia Digital data connector settings

  2. In the Medallia Digital data connector, click Save.

    The Medallia Digital data connection is now enabled. DXA will automatically capture the values of any form fields added.

Creating segments using Medallia Digital feedback values

Once enabled, a new Medallia Digital group of segment filters is available which. These include any form fields configured in DXA.

To find the Medallia Digital Segment filters:

  1. From the navigation bar, go to Define > Segments > + Create > Add filters.

    A selection of tabs appears.

  2. Click the Medallia Digital tab.

    A list of Medallia Digital Segment filters appears on the left including any form fields added.

The table below lists the Medallia Digital filters which are captured as standard alongside any feedback fields added:
Note: When creating segments using string values, the autocomplete box displays values already captured. So while it may appear as if some values are missing, it is only because we have not yet captured them.
Medallia Event

To create a segment for sessions where a specific event is triggered on a Medallia Digital survey:

  1. In the dropdown menu, select one of the following options:
    • one of — The Segment is created for Sessions where one of the selected events is triggered.
    • not any of — The Segment is created for Sessions where none of the selected event(s) are triggered.
    • all of — The Segment is created for Sessions where all of the selected events are triggered.
  2. In the text box, select one or more events.
  3. To save, click the Apply this filter button.
Medallia Form ID

To create a segment for sessions where one or more specific Medallia Digital forms are used:

  1. In the dropdown menu, select one of the following options:
    • one of — The segment is created for sessions where one of the selected forms are used.
    • not any of — The segment is created for sessions where none of the selected form(s) are used.
    • all of — The segment is created for sessions where all of the selected forms are used.
  2. In the text box, select one or more forms.
  3. To save, click the Apply this filter button.
Medallia Form Type

To create a segment for sessions where one or more specific form types are used:

  1. In the dropdown menu, select one of the following options:
    • one of — The segment is created for sessions where one of the selected form types are used.
    • not any of — The segment is created for sessions where none of the selected form type(s) are used.
    • all of — The segment is created for sessions where all of the selected form types are used.
  2. In the text box, select one or more form types.
  3. To save, click the Apply this filter button.