
The Qualtrics data connector allows you to:
  • Access Decibel session replays directly in Qualtrics
  • Filter Qualtrics survey responses in DXA using segments

  • Add DXA session replay links to Qualtrics Slack task notifications


DXA supports several use cases to connect with Qualtrics, including one-way and two-way data connection strategies. This article will guide you through the different configurations which may be applied.
Note: Data connections which require professional services from Qualtrics may be charged.

Accessing session replays in Qualtrics


Surveys are listed as Projects in the main menu in Qualtrics.Projects in Qualtrics

Decibel can connect with Website & App Feedback projects.Website & App Feedback projects in Qualtrics

Embedded data

To capture the DXA session ID with the feedback, you must add it as embedded data to the intercept. How you do this depends on the type of intercept you are configuring.

Once this has been configured, each survey response in Qualtrics will have an associated DXA session ID. When logged into DXA at the same time, the DXA browser extension will transform the ID into a hyperlink allowing you to access the session replay directly in Qualtrics. Embedded data in Qualtrics

Embed code

When configuring Embedded Data in Qualtrics, choose Value from Javascript and enter the following code:
if(typeof decibelInsight === 'function' && decibelInsight.isCollecting())decibelInsight.getSessionId()

Feedback button

Add the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics, when prompted during the setup wizard for the survey. 

Alternatively, edit an existing survey and add the the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics in the area highlighted below:Embed code for DXA

Responsive form

Add the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics when prompted during the setup wizard for the survey. 

Alternatively, edit an existing survey and add the the embed code from Decibel for Qualtrics in the area highlighted below:Embed code for DXA when editing an existing survey

Embedded form

Add the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics when prompted during the setup wizard for the survey. 

Alternatively, edit an existing survey and add the the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics in the area highlighted below:Embed code for DXA when editing an existing survey

Regular intercept

To add the the embed code from DXA for Qualtrics, on the right of the Action Set title bar, click the Options dropdown menu and select Embedded Data.Add embed code for DXA from Action Set title bar

Mobile feedback

The DXA session ID can be passed to Qualtrics as a custom property.
Note: You should work with your mobile app development team to ensure that the custom property and its values are set correctly by your mobile app.

For more information, see the following articles:

Using segments to filter Qualtrics survey responses

To send data to DXA for use in segments, you must configure a workflow in Qualtrics.

To create a workflow:

  1. On the Qualtrics main menu, click Workflows.Workflows on the Qualtrics main menu

  2. Create a new workflow and select Started by an event.Creating a workflow in Qualtrics

  3. Select Survey response as an action to start the workflow.Survey response workflow

  4. Select the survey you want to use.

  5. When asked What do you want to look for?, select Newly created responses.

  6. Click Finish.

To create a web service task to send the data to DXA:

  1. Under Survey response, add a new Task.Adding a new task in Qualtrics workflow

  2. Select the WebService task.
  3. Select Non-authenticated.
  4. Click Next.

To configure the web service:

  1. In the Request section, choose POST and enter the URL for your API, such as the one in the image below:
    Note: The API hostname will be unique for each customer. Contact your Technical Account Manager for the correct hostname for your instance.
    Entering the URL for your API in the Request section
    Important: Ensure that you add the Embedded Data variable for the Decibel session ID to the end of the URL, as shown above. You can access the variables menu using the {a} button.
  2. In the Body section:Body section

    • In Key, add any custom dimension names to populate in DXA.
    • In Value, add any fixed values or variables using {a}.
  3. (Optional) Test your WebService action:Testing WebService action

    • Enter a valid session ID and any other mock values to test sending data back.
    • Once a test has run, allow up to 10 minutes for the data to be shown in Session Details in DXA.
    • Click Save.
  4. Once saved, enable the workflow using the On/Off toggle.On/Off toggle to enable the workflow

Adding replay links to Qualtrics Slack task notifications

If you make use of the Qualtrics Slack Task integration, you may add a link to the DXA replay in your notifications by editing the Task and adding the DI_SID embedded data, that we added in the earlier section, as piped text in the message, as shown below, with [SessionID] replaced by the relevant DXA session ID which is passed as part of DI_SID.

https://app.decibelinsight.com/Sessions/View/[SessionId]Send Slack message

External resources from Qualtrics