Digital Experience Score (DXS)

Digital Experience Score (DXS) is the only metric designed to give holistic insight into every customer and their online experience. Founded in data science and powered by AI, DXS automatically identifies the highest-impact issues and opportunities across your digital properties, and uses these insights to power intelligent real-time actions that drive business growth.

For every user journey, DXS considers the emotional aspects of that user’s experience—i.e., Frustration and Engagement—as well as the more technical aspects of the experience—i.e., Technical, Form, and Navigation.

These five categories—Frustration, Engagement, Technical, Form, and Navigation—are the core “pillars” of every experience.
Note: Learn more: Practitioner Pillars

Use cases

  • Analyze and score every experience in real-time with insight into key pillars of experience (Engagement, Frustration, and Navigation)

  • Provide scores and intelligence to trigger in the moment actions that are relevant to every user's experience, e.g., survey moments (in-house), promotional offers, live chats

  • Use feedback history to inform real-time actions so you can build on the relationships customers already have with your brand

The three DXS scopes

DXS ScopeDescriptionUse Cases
Session DXS

Understand the digital experience for each session

  • Measures the overall quality of one user’s digital experience throughout their session

  • Provides session-specific metrics to that user’s experience, including Frustration, Engagement, Technical, Form, and Navigation

  • Enables digital teams to rank sessions by digital experience, helping uncover issues and opportunities

  • Aggregated into one experience score for each digital property, giving at-a-glance insight into overall performance

  • Individual close the loop — Understand the customer’s overall experience to effectively follow up

  • Cohort journey analysis — Understand & optimize different journeys for certain customer segments

  • Upsell/cross-sell — Identify promoters and target with new discounts/product offerings/services

Page DXS

Understand the digital experience per page

  • Measures the overall digital experience that a page or a page group provides

  • Provides page-specific metrics on key aspects of experience, including Engagement, Frustration, Technical, and Form

  • Enables digital teams to rank pages by digital experience, helping uncover issues and opportunities

  • Includes a page specific Form Experience Score and signals with individual contribution (impact) on Page DXS

  • Issue resolution — Pinpoint which pages are delivering poor experiences, and optimize

  • Content effectiveness — Analyze how customers are reacting to on-page material, and improve

  • Digital enablement — Understand how customers interact with self-service material at scale

  • Campaign optimization — Optimize campaign landing pages to reduce bounce rate/increase lead generation
Real-Time DXS

Understand each digital experience as it happens

  • Measures the quality of each user’s experience moment to moment (i.e., every 10 seconds)

  • Analyzes and scores key aspects of each user’s session, including Engagement, Frustration, and Technical

  • Powers trigger strategic actions, e.g., surveys or live chats, based on certain behaviors or scores

  • Online personalization — React to exactly what that user experiencing in the moment

  • Churn reduction — Detect poor experiences as they happen, and fix them (e.g., support chat)

  • Accelerating conversion — Trigger strategic CTAs, e.g., promotional offers, for customers who are likely to convert

Pillars used in DXS calculation

DXA aggregates the following 5 pillars into one overall Digital Experience Score (DXS) that provides at-a-glance insight into performance:

Pillar ScoreDefinitionExample Behaviors

Engagement Score

Measures level of engagement and how well the user can achieve the purpose of the pageFocus time, interaction, scroll reach, time on images and text, reading, copy and paste...

Form Experience Score

Scores the experience of interacting with (individual) forms on a page & within sessionsForm completion, errors, repetitive form interactions...

Frustration Score

Scores the users’ level of struggle while interacting with a page and its content Unresponsive clicks, fast mouse moves and scrolls, device rotations...

Navigation Score

Note: This pillar is not available for Page DXS.
Measures the experience when navigating across pages within a sessionVisiting multiple times the same page, looping through the same page, reloading page...

Technical Experience Score

Measures the technical issues on a web page

JavaScript errors, HTTP errors, slow page readiness, native app errors...

Signal impact and DXS calculation

Frequency — How often does it occur?Duration — How long does it last?Weight — How significantly does it affect the goal?
If a behavior/issue appears with a higher frequency, it will have a higher impact on DXS calculations.If a behavior/issue lasts for a longer period of time during a session, it will have a higher impact on DXS calculations.If a behavior/issue prevents a visitor from reaching his/her goal, it will have a higher impact on DXS calculations.
E.g., if an Unresponsive Multi-Click occurs with 3x more frequency than usual in a particular user session, that behavior will affect Frustration Score more significantly.E.g., if Repetitive Form Field Interaction lasts for x2 the usual time, it will impact Form Experience Score more heavily than usual.E.g., if High Downloading Time prevents the user from moving to the next stage in a conversion funnel, it will impact Technical Score more heavily than usual.