Using the distribution report

The distribution report gives a visual overview of the global response rates for your survey as well as the response rates broken out by the operational data that is available in the survey. The report updates in real time.

Note: You must use a contacts to be able to use the distribution report.

Open the distribution report

  1. Open your survey.
  2. Select Analyze > Reports.

  3. Add a new report. Select the distribution report.

A new report will be created containing different elements concerning your survey's response rate, such as the number of completes broken down by day/week/month/… , the percentage of contacts that clicked through to the survey, a response timeline, etc. Apply filters or breakouts to customize these elements.

Distribution report.

When you scroll all the way down this report, you will see an element called Number of respondents per. Add a breakout to this element to view the number of respondents per selected data source by completing the following steps:

  1. Select this element.
  2. Select the Data tab.
  3. Click Add, then select Breakout.

  4. Select the question or operational data for which you wish to see the response rate broken out. You will notice that the element title adds the selected data source to the title.

  5. Duplicate the element and repeat the above steps to add more response rate breakouts.

Share the distribution report

Just like for any other ReportBuilder report, you can share the distribution report with others by creating shares. Add additional filters to the shares so that people with access to a particular share only see the response rates that they need to see.

Password-protect a share if the results may not be publicly available.

Sharing the distribution report.