CSV files
Primer on CSV files
Comma-separated values (CSV) is a text-file format for storing tabular data, where each line is a record, and each record is divided into fields delimited (separated) by a specific character, usually a comma. Medallia Experience Cloud imports and exports data in CSV format, among other formats. Experience Cloud follows adheres to RFC 4180, which is a standard that defines the format of the file.
However, many systems expect some or all fields to be enclosed in quotes, like this:
Quotes, commas, and line-breaks in field data
"aaa, mmm",123,"bbb
more bb","ccc"
"aaa ""mmm",123
Instead of a comma (,), some systems use an alternative delimiter character, typically a semi-colon (;) or tab. When importing or exporting CSV, be sure to specify the expected delimiter.