Unit table

A unit represents a business unit for the client, and is the lowest reporting level in the Medallia application. What specifically a unit is varies widely by industry. Examples are:

  • For a hotel chain, it would be an individual hotel
  • For a retail chain, it would be an individual retail store
  • For a call center, it could be an individual call agent, or it could be a team

Each unit has an ID, which is used for queries, as well as a name, which is used for displaying to the user. The unit also has an active/inactive state (e.g. a hotel or a store would become inactive after closing down).

Additionally, the unit may have any number of client-specific attributes. To discover which fields are available for a particular client, the following MQL query can be used:

Table description

 key    | name            | encoding   |
 unitid | Unit identifier | TEXT       |
 name   | Unit name       | TEXT       |
 active | Active          | ENUMERATED |

Sample query

SELECT unitid, name, active FROM unit


 unitid                   | name               | active |
 Baltimore                | Baltimore          | yes    |
 Boston                   | Boston             | yes    |
 Buffalo                  | Buffalo            | yes    |
 Charleston               | Charleston         | yes    |
 Chicago                  | Chicago            | yes    |
 Dallas                   | Dallas             | yes    |
 Detroit                  | Detroit            | yes    |
 Houston                  | Houston            | yes    |
 Huntsville               | Huntsville         | yes    |
 Jacksonville             | Jacksonville       | yes    |
 Lake Havasu City         | Lake Havasu City   | yes    |
 Las Vegas                | Las Vegas          | yes    |
 Little Rock              | Little Rock        | yes    |
 Long Beach               | Long Beach         | yes    |
 Los Angeles              | Los Angeles        | yes    |
 Miami                    | Miami              | yes    |
 Minneapolis              | Minneapolis        | yes    |
 Myrtle Beach             | Myrtle Beach       | yes    |
 New York Chinatown       | New York Chinatown | yes    |
 New York Downtown        | New York Downtown  | yes    |
 New York Midtown         | New York Midtown   | yes    |
 New York Soho            | New York Soho      | yes    |
 New York Upper West Side | New York Upper     | yes    |
 New York Uptown          | New York Uptown    | yes    |
 Orlando                  | Orlando            | yes    |
 Pasadena                 | Pasadena           | yes    |
 Phoenix                  | Phoenix            | yes    |
 Portland                 | Portland           | yes    |
 Princeton                | Princeton          | yes    |
 Sacramento               | Sacramento         | yes    |
 San Diego                | San Diego          | yes    |
 San Francisco            | San Francisco      | yes    |
 San Jose                 | San Jose           | yes    |
 Savannah                 | Savannah           | yes    |
 Seattle                  | Seattle            | yes    |
 Syracuse                 | Syracuse           | yes    |
 Tampa                    | Tampa              | yes    |
 Trenton                  | Trenton            | yes    |
 Washington DC            | Washington DC      | yes    |