Identity Transfer APIs


The configuration object for MXO SDK identity transfer.

open class MXOIdentityTransferConfiguration : NSObject {
	open var disableIdentityTransfer: Bool { get }
	open var includeList: [MXOIdentityTransferUriMatcher]? { get }
	open var excludeList: [MXOIdentityTransferUriMatcher]? { get }
disableIdentityTransferBoolSet to true to disable transfer of identity to outbound locations.
includeList[MXOIdentityTransferUriMatcher]?The list of allowed URIs for identity transfer.
excludeList[MXOIdentityTransferUriMatcher]?The list of denied URIs for identity transfer.

Create an instance using the Builder as shown below:

let identityConfiguration = MXOIdentityTransferConfiguration { builder in
	builder.disableIdentityTransfer = false
	builder.includeList = excludeList
	builder.excludeList = includeList
Note: For more information, see how to disable/enable automatic identity transfer, or include or exclude an Interaction from tracking.


Represents the different ways the MXO SDK will attempt to include or exclude URIs from having a tid query parameter and value appended, IE identity transfer.

open class MXOIdentityTransferUriMatcher : NSObject {
    	open var value: Any? { get }
valueAny!The value of Uri matcher.

If used in either excludeList or includeList, then only exact values (as strings) will be compared.

public convenience init(withUrl 
	url: URL?
) throws
urlURL?The URL to match.
Note: For more information, see how to use the exact Uri matcher when including or excluding links from tracking.

If used in either excludeList or includeList, then the URI values will be matched to the regex provided.

public convenience init(withRegex 
	regex: NSRegularExpression?
) throws
regexNSRegularExpression?The regex to match against the string representation of the URL.
Note: For more information, see how to use the regex Uri matcher when including or excluding links from tracking.