Step 1 - Create your JSON Assets

In MXO, create your JSON assets (as required).

For more information about the full requirements for creating JSON assets for mobile Touchpoints, see Create JSON Assets for In-App Mini Notifications on Mobile.

Step 1a: Create your Asset

Create your asset, providing appropriate asset markup.

Example details

Field Description
Asset Savings account - mini notification.We recommend using a name that includes the type of notification to make it easier to identify throughout MXO.
Description Savings account mini notification asset.
Asset Type JSON
Asset Markup

Bear in mind the following when creating your asset markup:- You must ensure you provide valid JSON. Use a validation tool such as JSON Lint.- "type" and "text" parameters are mandatory.- "image-url" parameter is optional.

      "text":"Your mini notification message"

Mobile - Asset mini 1

Step 1b: Configure customer response tracking (optional)

If you wish to set up customer responses, select Track customer response and provide the relevant details.

For more information about the rules to consider when configuring responses for full-screen notifications, see Response Rules for Mini Notification Assets.

Example details

Field Description
Label Leave blank.
Target Provide a target URL for your chosen response.In our example, we are using
Context The context in which the target URL is opened for this response.In our example, we are using Send user to a web Touchpoint.For other contexts, see How can I redirect customers?.

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