Remove users from your community

Block users from access you Medallia Ideas community.

You need Admin permission to perform this task. See Permissions and access levels for details.
Banning or removing users excludes them from a community. Depending on the type of community you have, you can either ban or remove them from it.
  • Public communities have the option to Ban users. A banned user still has a Medallia Ideas account (which can be used to sign into other Medallia Ideas communities they belong to). They will not be able to be able to access your community.

  • Private communities have the option to Remove users. A removed user still has a Medallia Ideas account; they just cannot sign in.

Both banned and removed users may be re-invited by an admin.

Note: If a user wishes their account to be permanently deleted, the account holder must make this request by emailing Admins cannot request this on a users behalf.
  1. Go to Admin Setup > User Management > Manage Users.
    Manage users tab listing 4 users
  2. Find the user account.
  3. For the selected user, click Edit > Permissions.
    A user account row from the list of users
    A dialog opens to allow you to change the access and blog permissions for that user.
  4. Choose Ban or Remove user access for this user.
    User permissions drop down listing the options: User, Admin, and Remove user access
  5. Click Save changes.
The user is now blocked from accessing you Medallia Ideas community.