Challenges invites community participation of ideas, and foster innovative solutions to business problems through crowdsourcing.
A Challenge is an initiative that invites community members to submit and refine ideas. This process encourages diverse viewpoints and fosters innovative solutions to business problems. By leveraging crowdsourcing, the collective wisdom of the community is harnessed, enabling individuals to contribute their unique insights based on their knowledge, interests, or experiences. Community members can engage further by commenting on and voting for the ideas they support, which enhances the variety of perspectives considered. Such an approach not only brings the most promising ideas to the forefront but also makes contributors feel valued when their ideas are recognized and put into action.
The challenge directory shows all the challenges available to you.
To open the challenge directory, click the left-most link on the navigation bar, which is usually named Challenges, but you may find that it's called something different in your community.
Click a challenge tile to open it. Each tile shows:
The challenge title and description.
How many ideas, votes and comments are in that challenge.
Whether a challenge has been archived or has ended.
If it's a challenge with different phases, you'll see a countdown to the end of the current challenge phase.
On the challenge page you can:
Switch the view layout between a tile grid and list using the buttons at the top-right of the challenges area:
See User created, Archived, and Closed challenges, in addition to the active challenges, which are always shown).
Use Sort challenges to order the list by Newest or those with the Most ideas.
Filter the set by challenge categories.