Bulk call operations

Connect Mindful with Google Sheets or Excel/OneDrive

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

The Bulk Call Operations section of the Connections page contains integrations with Google Sheets and Excel/OneDrive to register or cancel callbacks in bulk, or upload a list of phone numbers for SMS message broadcasts.

example of connections for bulk call operations
Note: Mindful will require permission to view, edit, create, and delete all Google Sheets files in the linked Google account.

Import or cancel callbacks via Google Sheets

The Import Callbacks connection allows you to import a list of phone numbers for which to process callbacks, in the form of a Google Sheets spreadsheet. ASAP callbacks will be registered for all numbers imported from the sheet, and will be processed by a single Call Target and widget per installation. After the import, Mindful will process and dial the callbacks according to the specified Call Target's configuration. During import, the status of individual records will be updated in the spreadsheet as either "Success" or "Fail".

The Cancel Callbacks connection allows you to import a list of phone numbers associated with callbacks to be cancelled in bulk. As the numbers are imported, the status of each record will be updated in the spreadsheet as either "Success" or "Fail". An SMS message can be sent to each number to inform the callers that their callbacks have been canceled with instructions on how to reconnect.

  • The connections can be installed more than once to use multiple Call Targets and widgets.

  • The integrations are not started by default. Instructions for starting the integrations are included later in this guide.

  • When started, the integrations will run the import process immediately.

  • Once installed, the same integration can be executed again with different values in the spreadsheet.

    • We recommend removing all previously imported rows or moving them to another sheet.

    • Rows with a "Success" value will not be imported again.

Follow the instructions below to enable the Import or Cancel Callbacks connection:

  1. In the Bulk Call Operations section, click Enable on the appropriate tile (Import Callbacks or Cancel Callbacks).

  2. Name the connection/integration in the modal window that appears.

    This will determine the title of the integration tile on the Connections page.

    image of the integration name input field
  3. When prompted, click Sign In to authenticate to Google Sheets.

    example of the sign in button for google sheets

    This will open the Google authentication process in a separate window. Create or log in to the Google account that will contain your spreadsheets.

    example of the google account selector
  4. Next, enter the Scheduler widget Organization ID and optional API token.

    You can obtain your Organization ID from the API Endpoints modal window on the Widgets page.

    example of connecting mindful to Google sheets
  5. If prompted (for the Cancel Callbacks connection only), enter an API Token for the Mindful messaging platform. Contact a Mindful representative to obtain this token.

    image of the input field for the messaging token
  6. Finally, enter the required details for your widget and spreadsheet:

    • Import Callbacks:

      example of configuring details for bulk import
      • Widget ID — Enter the widget ID with which these callbacks should be associated (found in the API Endpoints modal window on the Widgets page).

      • Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name — Select the Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name from the Google spreadsheet.

        The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet, and the sheet name can be found on the sheet's tab.

        When you click the dropdown menus, you will see the names of all detected spreadsheets for the connected Google account and all detected sheet names of the specified spreadsheet.

      • Ignore Top Row — If the spreadsheet has a header row, set Ignore Top Row to true.

    • Cancel Callbacks:

      example of configuring details for bulk cancellation
      • Send Cancel SMS — Select true or false to determine whether or not to send an SMS message to all phone numbers that are successfully imported to be cancelled.

      • Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name — Select the Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name from the Google spreadsheet.

        The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet, and the sheet name can be found on the sheet's tab.

        When you click the dropdown menus, you will see the names of all detected spreadsheets for the connected Google account and all detected sheet names of the specified spreadsheet.

      • Ignore Top Row — If the spreadsheet has a header row, set Ignore Top Row to true.

      • Text — Enter the content of the message to send to all successfully imported numbers (if Send Cancel SMS is true).

      • Handle — Enter the From number (Caller ID) to send with SMS messages.

  7. When you're finished configuring all required variables, click Create.

  8. To configure the spreadsheet for upload, list the phone numbers you wish to call or cancel in Column A. The connection will update Column B with the status of the upload (Success or Fail) after processing.

    example spreadsheet format
  9. When you're ready to upload a spreadsheet, click Start on the appropriate tile.

    You should see the result posted in Column B of the spreadsheet within a few moments.

  10. When finished, the integration will stop automatically after a few minutes.

    Note: You will need to stop and restart the connection to process new entries to the spreadsheet.


If there are Errors returned from the Scheduler API, a fail result will be logged to the spreadsheet. If warnings are returned from the API, callbacks or cancellation requests will be retried a few times before logging a success or failure. If errors arise while attempting to read or write to the spreadsheet, a single retry will be made after a delay.

Broadcast messages via Google Sheets

The Message Broadcast connection allows you to upload a list of phone numbers, via Google Sheets, for a bulk SMS message broadcast.

As the numbers are imported, the status of each record will be updated in the spreadsheet as either "Success" or "Fail" based on whether the message has been accepted by Mindful's Messaging platform. This does not indicate success or failure of message delivery, but only the platform's receipt of the numbers for processing. Check the Message Lookup page (under Handoff in the side navigation bar) to view the status of individual message delivery.

  • This connection can be installed more than once for different use cases.

  • The integration is not started by default. Instructions for starting the integration are included later in this guide.

  • When started, the integration will run the import process immediately.

  • Once installed, the same integration can be executed again with different values in the spreadsheet.

    • We recommend removing all previously imported rows or moving them to another sheet.

    • Rows with a "Success" value will not be imported again.

Follow the instructions below to enable the Message Broadcast connection:

  1. In the Bulk Call Operations section, click Enable on the "Message Broadcast" tile.

  2. Name the connection/integration in the modal window that appears.

    This will determine the title of the integration tile on the Connections page.

    image of the integration name input field
  3. When prompted, click Sign In to authenticate to Google Sheets.

    example of the sign in button for google sheets

    This will open the Google authentication process in a separate window. Create or log in to the Google account that will contain your spreadsheets.

    example of the google account selector
  4. Next, enter an API Token for the Mindful messaging platform. Contact a Mindful representative to obtain this token.

    image of the input field for the messaging token
  5. Finally, enter the required details for your spreadsheet and message:

    example variable input fields
    • Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name — Select the Spreadsheet ID and Sheet Name from the Google spreadsheet.

      The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet, and the sheet name can be found on the sheet's tab.

      When you click the dropdown menus, you will see the names of all detected spreadsheets for the connected Google account and all detected sheet names of the specified spreadsheet.

    • Ignore Top Row — If the spreadsheet has a header row, set Ignore Top Row to true.

    • Text — Enter the content of the message to send to all successfully imported numbers.

    • Handle — Enter the From number (Caller ID) to send with SMS messages.

  6. When you're finished configuring all required variables, click Create.

  7. To configure the spreadsheet for upload, create two tabs:

    • In the first tab (Calls), list the phone numbers you wish to contact in Column A. The connection will update Column B with the status of the upload (Success or Fail) after receipt.

      example calls tab
    • In the second tab (Config), the integration will add rows for the Handle (Caller ID) used for outbound messages Column A, and the text of the messages in Column B.

      example config tab
  8. When you're ready to upload a spreadsheet, click Start on the appropriate tile.

    You should see the result posted in Column B of the spreadsheet within a few moments.

  9. When finished, the integration will stop automatically after a few minutes.

    Note: You will need to stop and restart the connection to process new entries to the spreadsheet.


If there are errors in processing, a single retry will be made after a delay.