
Connect Mindful with Google Sheets

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

The Data section of the Connections page contains integrations with Google Sheets. These connections export a snapshot of pending callbacks to a spreadsheet, or import changes to scheduled callback timeslots.

example of connections for data
Note: Mindful will require permission to view, edit, create, and delete all Google Sheets files in the linked Google account.

View pending callbacks via Google Sheets

This connection provides a list of pending callbacks segmented into 15-minute timeslots. The timeslots represent the times that callbacks were originally estimated to be launched. Callbacks are added to the list when registered, and finalized calls are removed once per day.

Note: The snapshot tab should be viewed as a dashboard in which the exported list can be filtered by Call Target or date.
example export

Follow the instructions below to enable this connection:

  1. Click Enable on the "Post Call Survey" tile.

  2. Enter a Client ID and Secret from a Mindful API Application Client (this step may be skipped if you have enabled other connections).

    image of the input fields for client ID and secret
  3. When prompted, click Sign In to authenticate to Google Sheets.

    example of the sign in button for google sheets

    This will open the Google authentication process in a separate window. Create or log in to the Google account that will contain your spreadsheets.

    example of the google account selector
  4. When prompted, configure the spreadsheet ID and sheet name from the Google spreadsheet for each variable.

    Important: Enter the same values in all three sections.

    The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet, and the sheet name can be found on the sheet's tab.

    example of configuring details for export

After Installation, a Mindful team member will need to provide webhook URLs for a callback registration webhook and a separate callback finalization webhook.


If there are errors at any point in processing, two retry attempts will be made after a progressively increasing delay.

Update maximum scheduled callbacks per interval via Google Sheets

The Call Target Timeslots connection runs once per day to update the maximum scheduled callbacks for all time slots for as many Call Targets as you would like, with different configuration for each Call Target. You can use this connection to change time slot configuration on a daily basis.

Note: This connection will run each day at the time it was first started. For example, if you start it at 9:00 AM, it will run daily at 9:00 AM. If you would like to schedule the initial start time to be after hours, the Mindful Support team can help.

Follow the instructions below to enable this connection:

  1. Before configuring the connection, create a metadata item for each Call Target you would like to update:

    example metadata item
    • Name — Enter timeslot_spreadsheet.

    • Present Metadata to — Deselect both Agent and Customer.

    • Type — Select "SIP Header".

    • Default Value > Both Legs — Enter a Google spreadsheet ID, which can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet.

  2. On the Connections page, click Enable on the "Call Target Timeslots" tile.

  3. Enter a Client ID and Secret from a Mindful API Application Client (this step may be skipped if you have enabled other connections).

    image of the input fields for client ID and secret
  4. When prompted, click Sign In to authenticate to Google Sheets.

    example of the sign in button for google sheets

    This will open the Google authentication process in a separate window. Create or log in to the Google account that will contain your spreadsheets.

    example of the google account selector
  5. When prompted, configure the API Key, Client ID, and API Host URL in the fields provided.

    image of variable input fields
    • API Key and Client ID — Contact the Mindful team to obtain the credentials for your organization.

    • API Host — Enter

  6. When you're finished configuring all required variables, click Create.

  7. To configure the spreadsheet, first export the Maximum Callbacks Allowed per Schedule Interval as a CSV file, then copy and paste the contents into the Google Sheet specified in the Call Target metadata item configured earlier.

    This will ensure that all rows are included and labeled properly. To learn how to export your time slots, see Scheduled callback.

    example spreadsheet format
  8. Add a new tab to the spreadsheet for each day of the week (Sunday to Saturday).

    The daily configuration update will be based on the tab for the current day of the week.

  9. Update only Column E (maxScheduled) with new values, as needed, in each tab.

    At the scheduled processing time, the configuration for the current day of the week will be applied to the Call Target.

  10. When you are ready to upload a spreadsheet, click Start on the appropriate tile.


If there are errors at any point in processing the upload, two retry attempts will be made after a progressive delay.

Export Call Target configuration

The Configuration Export connection exports core properties of all Call Targets in your organization to a Google spreadsheet, allowing you to review and compare your Call Targets without sending API requests or browsing the user interface.

example output of the connection

Exported properties

The following table maps the names of the exported properties to their associated fields in the Mindful user interface. To learn more about these fields and their locations, see Call Targets page.

Exported propertyUI property name
idN/A - The Call Target ID is not displayed in the UI but is available via API.
enableCallbackRegistrationRegister Callbacks
enableCallbackProcessingProcess Callbacks
firstPartyCalledFirst Party Called
announceAniAnnounce ANI
offerAsapCallbackOffer ASAP Callback
offerChooseHoldOffer Choose Hold
offerScheduledCallbackVoiceOffer Scheduled Callback (Voice)
offerScheduledCallbackWidgetOffer Scheduled Callback (Widget/API)
messaging.offerMessageInterceptOffer Message Intercept
offerNextDayCallbackOffer Next Business Day Callbacks
enableCallbackDoubleCheckEnable Callback Double Check
callbackDoubleCheckScopeCallback Double Check Scope
enableVoiceScheduledCallbackAfterHoursOffer Scheduled Callback Outside of Hours (Voice)
announceEcbtBeforeOfferAnnounce ECBT during Offer
announceEcbtAfterRegistrationAnnounce ECBT during Confirmation
minCallbackDelayMinimum Callback Delay
maxQueuedCallsMax Queue Depth
maxActiveCallsMax Active Calls
callbackCallerIdCaller ID (CID)
chooseHoldAgentDestinationChoose Hold Number
callbackAgentDestinationCallback Number
dynamicDnisMappingEnabledUse Dynamic DNIS Mapping
phoneNumbers N/A - A comma separated list of all phone numbers assigned to the Call Target

Install the connection

Follow the instructions below to enable this connection:

  1. Click Enable on the "Configuration Export" tile.

  2. Enter a Client ID and Secret from a Mindful API Application Client (this step may be skipped if you have enabled other connections).

    image of the input fields for client ID and secret
  3. When prompted, click Sign In to authenticate to Google Sheets.

    example of the sign in button for google sheets

    This will open the Google authentication process in a separate window. Create or log in to the Google account that will contain your spreadsheets.

    example of the google account selector
  4. When prompted, configure the spreadsheet ID and sheet name from the Google spreadsheet you would like to contain the export.

    The connection will export the Call Target configuration to the specified sheet.

    The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL of the spreadsheet, and the sheet name can be found on the sheet's tab.

    example of variable input fields
  5. When you are finished configuring all required variables, click Create.

  6. When you are ready to upload a spreadsheet, click Start on the appropriate tile.

    You should see the results posted in the specified sheet. When finished, the integration will pause automatically after a few minutes.

  7. To export the configuration again in the future, click Start again.


If there are errors at any point in processing, two retry attempts will be made after a progressive delay.